Author: Dawn Slaughter

Club Triples This Weekend

A note from Stella:-

Puts your whites away, it’ll be ‘greys’ this weekend.

Play starts at 09:30 on both days.

Sandwich lunch is available at £5 per person and there is a sign up sheet on the Competitions Noticeboard.

There are a few tweaks to players within the teams, but the draw is as follows:-

Mixed Friendly v Teddington Report

We ended up playing 3 Triples & 1 Pair. We had given Teddington 3 of our players – Olive, Paul & Cliff, but Cliff was unwell so we planned on 2 Triples & 2 Pairs, but Dave Pitt turned up and agreed to play for Teddington. Having given Ann Bamber the afternoon off as she had played in the morning, she was quickly recruited again (thanks Ann) and had the pleasure of playing against the Triple with Dave in it. They unluckily lost but we won overall with the top Rink being Gym’s who won 28-6. With Gym were Jacqui & Brenda.

Thanks, Kevin.

Middlesex Men’s Fours Win

Making up for the loss of the Middlesex Men’s Triples on Saturday v Century, Peter J, Peter T, this time with Kevin K & Steve G in the Fours had a cracking win yesterday morning v Century opponents who conceded after 14 ends as they were 3-26 down. Wow. Well done our chaps!  Good luck in the next round.

Happy Mothers’ Day & All Women!

Wishing all our Mums that are with us a very Happy Mothers’ Day. Also, having missed International Women’s Day on Friday, we would like to celebrate all of our lady members.
Take the time to thank our Mums for all they have done (or did) to shape us into the women we are today and to raise a glass or mug of something in their honour.  Cheers!

World Book Day

OK, so I’m a day late but books are ok for any day of the week.
Anyone read any books that they can recommend to those that read these posts?

I’ve got Tim Spector’s Food for Life on the go as well as one of Richard Cole’s novels about putting a toilet in a church. Great fun read!

How does the Marlow Murder Club (now a series on tv) compare to the Thursday Murder Club?

Jay McGuinness, part of The Wanted/ex Strictly/actor has turned novelist as well and has just released a new fantasy Blood Flowers. Had anyone read that yet?

What about sports books? The Final Innings – cricket – seems to be nearby at home

There’s a good selection of paperbacks at 50p each in the ladies changing room if you fancy a browse in there – Thanks to Margaret B.

From the radio yesterday, I understand that a lot of children dressed up as Joe Wickes to go to school (some looking more like the 118 118 men!)and one school had all the children in pyjamas to encourage bedtime reading.
What about our your grandchildren ? Did they dress up?

We Had a Win!

From David Hale:

The match between Cambridge Park and Ember made for a very pleasant afternoon of bowls for both sides.

Ember is an outdoor club with many of its members only playing outdoors, so the scoreline reflected that. It was a 101 – 41 win for Cambridge Park with three rinks out of four winning.
The scores for each skip were:
David Hale         34 – 3
Ann Bamber      16 – 22
Bernard Winter  25 – 8
Gym Brown        26 – 8
Jane did an excellent job of looking after us behind the bar.

Next friendly is Mothers’ Day v Teddington – another triples.

On 30th March, we play West Ealing and with so many signing up, it’ll give the selectors a combination of good choice and worry about who to put on the subs bench.  Better that way round than scrabbling for players.

Do Your Bowls Need a Trip to Pershore?

If your bowls need re-stamping, or you need deeper grips or re-aligning, then Steve B from Hounslow is going to Pershore Bowls Centre before the outdoor season.
£10.00 per set of 4 then:

Testing & Stamping.     £46:00

Adjusting & Stamping.  £68:00

Gripping.                         £55:00


Steve’s number. 01386 652411

Money and bowls will need to be delivered to Steve once a date has been fixed.