Author: Dawn Slaughter

Off to Leamington They Go!

Congratulations to Tina & Cathy who won the Middlesex Area Final of the National Senior Pairs tonight against Broomfield.
It means they head off to Leamington on 21st August to play a pair from Bromley.
Hard luck to Elaine who lost the Middlesex Area Final of the Senior Singles to Tonia from Brentham.  Welll done for getting that far, though.

Friday Night Leagues – New Leader!

Thanks to Steve again for the organisation  and league updates.
A new leader in Richmond who have leapt ahead of last month’s lead, Marble Hill, while Radnor Gardens leapt from the bottom right up into second place. Well done!

It was glorious last Friday night. Not a waterproof in sight!

Sunday 21st July – Middlesex Ladies County Finals Day

Good luck to Ann H & Cathy in the Ladies Pairs final this morning v Vicki & Lisa (Ashford) at Winchmore Hill.

Cathy plays again this afternoon in the 2-bowl final v Angela F from North London.

Alas, It’s been a bit disappointing for the CP ladies this year in the County comps in getting knocked out in the quarters and semis, but we’re all coming back with vim and vigour next year, determined to do better!

Sunday 14th July – Bastille Day

Good luck to Tina, Ann H, Nadine & Cathy in the Middlesex Fours semi final today.
also good luck to Norman, Peter T & Dawn in the R&B Triples this morning and to the Club team playing away at Putney Town this afternoon in the R&B League.
we’re expecting 3 wins!

Saturday 13th July – Updated

This morning Ann and Dawn are playing in the quarter finals of the Middlesex Ladies Singles. They would both like to be playing in the semi-finals this afternoon!  Good luck to both of them.

Update:  Ann went through to semi-final where unfortunately she lost to Tonia from Brentham.
Dawn clawed her way back from 9-20 to 20-20 and didn’t get the final shot. Doh!

Meanwhile at CP, Shaf, Steve and Alasdair(?) play Triples competition.
This afternoon the club play Mid Surrey in a friendly. Good to have Laurence back in the team after his cycling travels around Spain. He has probably seen a lot more sun than we have done!

Congratulations to Dave P, Peter J & Gary B!

After a nail-biting final end when they needed 3 to win, Peter played 3 brilliant bowls around the jack and despite all other 5 players trying either to get one closer or knock them out, they remained !

This puts the boys into the Middlesex Final AND will be representing Middlesex in the National Championships at Leamington!  Dave has been there several times but it’s the first time for Peter and Gary. It’s a great achievement! We’re very proud of you!

More Results

Well done to Peter J, Gary & Dave who have reached the semi finals of the Middlesex Triples. 6:00 on Thursday night at West Ealing.
Tonight at 6:00 pm at West Ealing, Ann & Cathy play Sue & Bev from West Ealing in the Middlesex Ladies Pairs semi final.
Last night, Elaine played an absolute blinder and beat Dawn comprehensively in the Area Semi Final of the National Senior Singles. It was one of those nights where she could have bowled through her legs backwards and would still have got shot!  Good luck in the Area Final. Not sure of her opponent yet.
Gary took the CP Middlesex Singles battle v Shaf and Dave P was pushed a bit by the new-to-Middlesex area lad from Sunbury. Dave worked hard to stay focussed and win.
Alan G was playing over at Staines but haven’t had a result yet.