Author: Dawn Slaughter

Friday 22nd March – Quiz Night with Barry & Amanda

Well done and thanks to Barry & Amanda for hosting the quiz and testing all our little grey cells.  The quiz was pitched just right with some easy and then the curve ball came in!

Scores were very tight at the end with Alan & Ewy, Paul, Gym, Laurence & Dawn just pipping Joan, Bernard, Chris N, Pat and Barbara into second place.

Thanks to St Margaret’s Fish Bar for having the meal ready spot on time and thanks to Jane who had a very busy night behind the bar.


Sunday 3rd March – Charity Mixed Pairs in aid of Prostate Cancer UK – What a Result!

Well, what a brilliant day from start to finish!

Dick & Di battled through 4 matches and 6 hours of play to come out tops on the green whilst Prostate Cancer UK are now £1,000 better off due to Ann M’s raffle (£500), donation of entry and green fees, sales of lunch and cakes.  A fantastic effort by all the club members who contributed and supported the event.  Thank you!

The first session matches were a bit tentative but everyone just had to worry about the bowling as Ange and Dawn had the kitchen sorted (in a fashion!) and Darren was on hand as umpire!

Everyone was keenly watch what was going on and it was mainly the girls who played as lead so had the difficult job of reading the head then trying to sign language to their partners what was wanted of them!


There were some tight matches but alas, we didn’t get the 1-shot each tie-break but it was close with games going to the final bowl on the final end of some rounds.

Thanks to Ange who did a terrific job cooking hte lunches and Ann B, Frances and Dawn for baking and for the numerous helpers who dished up, cleaned up and washed up.  It was a real club effort.

Thanks to all the volunteers on the bar – mainly Laurence and Ann M and a huge thanks to Ann M for her fantastic efforts on selling so many raffle tickets.  Audrey won the first prize hamper and donated to Crosslight at St Stephens Church around the corner, who give people assistance where needed.

Good to see so many new club shirts on parade too!





Sunday 24th February – Mixed Friendly v Hampton

Well done to the CP team who drew 2-2 in rinks but won by several shots over Hampton.  As anticipated, the local rivalry was encouraged by friendly banter and whoops of delight across the green at the three wrong biases!

This is now going to be a repeat fixture for future indoor seasons.

Joan H, Sheila M, George & skip Laurence

Sarah H, Brenda, Ange & skip Dawn

Audrey, Ranjani, Ann D & skip Archie

Ray V, Frances, Bob & skip Ken

Captain:  Laurence


Potters Tour 2019

This year’s Mid Week Festive Break runs from 25th-29th November.  There’s a list to sign up and booking forms to complete at the club.  Please return both – one form per person and deposit of £40 per person by end February latest.

Any questions, see Dawn or Laurence

Many thanks.

You may be able to download the booking form here – try and see if it works for you.

190126 – Potters Booking Form 2019

What a Time for Brian N to do a Wrong Bias …..

Greg Harlow was greeted at the Club this morning by Brian delivering a wrong bias with the new set of bowls he’d bought from Greg at Potters last month!

Brian asked who had ‘sneaked’ on him and Greg said it was him!  Not every Wrong Bias Club bowler can claim to have a certificate signed and awarded by the World No.1!  That one will be getting framed!

Greg had made his way down to Twickenham following discussions with Ange and the ABC Clinic whilst she was at Potters.