Category: News

Happy Valentine’s Day


Love your family

Love a friend

Love yourself

Remember those who you have loved and who have loved you

Love and kindness go on a long way and don’t necessarily need cards and flowers.

Phone calls are good!

Listen to all those love songs across the last 10-70 decades and sing along!

And enjoy!


Outdoor Fixtures – for Those Who Like to Plan Ahead

Well done to John Eve for putting the outdoor fixture list together.  There maybe tweaks as we move outdoors, but worth getting the friendlies and RBL matches on your calendar and the start of the Friday Night leagues on 9th May and Monday 12th for the Monday Afternoon Leagues

There is a copy at the bottom of the Calendar page underneath the indoor fixture list.

And it’s also here!

Mon 5th Early May Bank Holiday
Fri 9th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 10th H Mid – Surrey 14:30 3 Mxd R R&B League Club Colours
Sun 11th
Mon 12th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL :League
Fri 16th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 17th A Masonian 14:30 3 Mxd R R&B League Club Colours
Sun 18th
Mon 19th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 23rd H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 24th
Sun 25th A Hampton 14:30 4 Mxd T Friendly Club Colours
Mon 26th Spring Bank Holiday
Fri 30th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 31st
Sun 1st A Chertsey 14:30 4 Mxd R Friendly Club Colours
Mon 2nd H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 6th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 7th H Sussex 13:30 6 Rinks JOHNS TROPHY
Sun 8th H West Ealing 14:30 3 Mxd R R&B League Club Colours
Mon 9th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Tues 10th H Hurlingham Club 14:30 2 Mxd T Friendly Club Colours
Wed 11th H Hampton 14:30 4 Mxd T Friendly Club Colours
Fri 13th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 14th
Sun 15th H Middlesex Ladies 10:00 6 R (2woods) Singles all day
Mon 16th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 20th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 21st
Sun 22nd
Mon 23rd H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 27th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 28th A Teddington 14:30 3 Mxd R R&B League Club Colours
Sun 29th
Mon 30th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 4th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 5th A North Sheen 15:00 3 Mxd R R&B League Club Colours
Sun 6th
Mon 7th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Wed 9th H Kent County Friendly
Fri 10th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 12th H Surrey 12:30? JOHNS TROPHY
Sun 13th
Mon 14th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 18th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 19th H Putney Town 14:30 3 Mxd R R&B League Club Colours
Sun 20th
Mon 21st H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 25th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 26th H Ashford 14:30 3 Mxd R R&B League Club Colours
Sun 27th
Mon 28th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Fri 1st H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 2nd
Sun 3rd
Mon 4th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Tues 5th A Hurlingham Club 14:30 2 Mxd T Friendly Club Colours
Fri 8th H Middx Ladies 10:00 – 16:30 6 x Triples Beneviolent Fund
Fri 8th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 9th
Sun 10th
Mon 11th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Wed 13th A Staines 14:30 4 Mxd T Friendly Club Colours
Fri 15th H Internal Club 17:00 3 Mxd T Friday Night League
Sat 16th
Sun 17th
Mon 18th H 13:30 4 Mxd T NPL League
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th
Wed 27th H London Welsh 14:30 3/4 Mxd T Friendly Club Colours
Mon 25th Summer Bank Holiday
Sat 30th
Sun 31st
Sat 6th H FINALS WEEKEND Club Colours
Sun 7th H FINALS WEEKEND Club Colours
Sat 13th
Sun 14th H
MIDDX – Qtrs & Semis
Whisky Pairs
Sat 20th
Sun 21st

RIP Olive Lott

Olive was a long term member of Isleworth Bowls Club Outdoors and Cambridge Park indoors. She was a nifty lead, a great sport, full of zest and life and a dedicated club member both on the green and socially.
Olive and partner Allan spent many hours tending the Isleworth flower beds producing a riot of colour throughout all the summer months.
She will be sadly missed and we send our sympathies to Allan and the family.
RIP Olive. 101 years old. Just brilliant.

Saturday & Sunday

Still plenty of rink slots available for getting club comps booked in.

Don’t procrastinate and leave it to the last minute.  Let’s give Stella surprise in getting all games finished in good time!

Belated Happy Birthday to Steve G for earlier this week.

Mixed Friendlies 8th & 9th February

A double success for the mixed friendlies last weekend. Well done everyone who played. Great stuff!

Unfortunately, neither King George Field nor London Civil Service can field a team this weekend which is a real shame.

On a positive note that means there are plenty of rink sessions up to be booked for club competitions at sociable weekend times. Hooray!

Next BIG match is the Ladies v Gents on Sunday 16th February at 2:00. Quite a few names down but we need 16 on each team.
After that, we play Teddington at Triples on 23rd February.
There’s a pen hanging on the board, so please sign up!

10:00 am Saturday 1st February- Hants v Kent Under 18’s

Watch the potential Jason Banks, Robert Paxton,  Julie Rogers and Beth Piva of the future!

At 10:00, Hampshire take on Kent again in the National Under 18’s Triples. The players would love to have some spectators and supporters!
Please come along to watch.
If anyone can help serving teas/coffees pre-match and/or during the match, please let Alasdair and Kevin K know.

Saturday 1st February – Mixed Friendly v Ladygate

The rinks are getting busy with all the club comp deadlines approaching.
There are some very competitive bowlers out there and we could so with a few more of you – maybe 3? – for Saturday’s match v Ladygate at Home starting at 2:00.  None of us are at the standard of Jason Banks, but we can all give it our best shot inspired by his play last week!

Kevin is also looking for a few more players for the Friendly v King George Field on 8th and London Civil Service on 9th.

Please sign up at the club or contact Kevin Keown if you are able to play especially for this Saturday’s match.
The matches will be fun, friendly and competitive in equal measure!
