Bar Prices as Promised and Sign Up Sheets


Hope you all had a good weekend.  It was a bit breezy but not cold, which was good.

Bar prices for cans:  Fosters/Heineken (440ml) £2.00; Guinness (520ml)  £3.00

Pride will be £2.00 per pint from the existing stock then back to £3.00 when the next barrel arrives, Cider £3.00 per pint and soft drinks as usual.

For the first couple of weeks, we are issuing recyclable plastic glasses.  The reason being to reduce the risk of transmission of germs between Jane and customer and vice-versa.  We will go back to glass glasses once we are happy it is safe to do so. As with all the processes, we need to try and test first.  Your safety is our priority.


In the lobby, there are sign up sheets for the August matches.  If you would like to play, please sign the sheets as you would usually do.  I am hoping to get a West Ealing/Hounslow Cons game on Saturday 18th and will add that sheet when I know.

I believe Gordon is match captain for August.

Dave H is hoping to get the Monday afternoon (NPL) league up and running in some form, so things are moving forward.

Just remember to keep up the hand washing, disinfecting and to stay alert.  As my Mum would say when I was heading for a drive down to Cornwall on my own, “It’s not you I’m worried about, it’s the other silly fools on the road!”. I wonder if she’d be allow to say that these days?  Times are a-changing.


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