Get Those Jackets and Scarves Out!

6 C this morning.  OK, so it was 4.00 am and I did hear it on the radio, but even my radiator kicked in, so it must be chilly.  The wind does look as if it has dropped since yesterday, so that is a blessing.

It’s the AGM today.  2.00 pm in the Clubhouse.  Please go if you can.  You will learn of what has happened over the last 12 months, get a chance to see the bar very nearly finished and find out the plans for Cambridge Park going forward.  We are still in need of people to take on some roles within the club – indoors and outdoors.

Ray Verralls has kindly picked up the Indoor Fixture Secretary role (as well as having done the outdoor one) but, due to my being busy and unable to pass things over, we have not got as many fixtures to start off the season.  The gaps in the draft fixture list for October look large because we have always had National team competitions around 8-10th, but this year, our first rounds are not until the end of the month.

There will be a roll up this Saturday afternoon at 2.00 pm for those of you who would like to come along.  There will be another – maybe pairs or triples the following weekend – as well as at least one evening next week.  Please bear with me.  It is my last day at work today and I have been working crazy hours to tidy up projects and loose ends as well as to hand over my ‘non existent’ role, so bowls has had to take a back seat for the last couple of weeks.

I know that we have a few members who are figuratively under the weather, so please send positive thoughts to all members who are poorly.

Onwards and upwards.  We have a great club and we want you to enjoy it and be proud to be a part of it!


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