Mid Week Leagues

David Hale is beavering away on his computer and on the phone compiling league formats and seeing which teams will be in full swing by Monday 25th and which teams are lagging behind!

We could do with another 6 players to be spread over the Monday league teams.  Can anyone put their hand up to join us, please?  If not, we will probably have to merge the two teams into one which none of us want to do.

An extra set of bowling hands would be welcome on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays too.

If you’re new to Cambridge Park and the indoor leagues, whichever team you are in does not require you to play every single week.  For most that would be too big a commitment.  So, if you’re hesitant about joining on that score, don’t worry.  Having players who are happy to play once or twice each month would be lovely!

Please contact David on davidhale1815@gmail.com

It’s a lovely morning and the bonus of not working is that I can get out for an early  morning walk along the river.  Apologies to those sitting up in bed of a-morning awaiting the day’s posting.   Normal service will be resumed once I start work again.  Just waiting to find out the date … probably after my arm has been used as a pin cushion for many jabs!

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