But there’s one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me
Won’t defeat me. It won’t be long
Till happiness steps up to greet me
Altogether now Raindrops keep falling on my head ….
Well it maybe raining today but tomorrow the indoor bowls club opens, and the leaks are sorted!
For the 10.00 am roll up and any other sessions, only the first 24 get to play. Swapping in and out for a half a game is not allowed (because technically the magic 6 turns into an unlucky 7!). Check out Sunday’s post on here with all the updates. The method of play and moving around the green, the T etc. will be demonstrated, similar as we did when we started outdoors, and by Friday morning, you will have the hang of it. Enjoy!
Isle of Wight Ron B (currently in London) has thanked everyone for their positive thoughts and good wishes. One op down, recovery proceeding in the slow manner that it should be. Take one day at a time, Ron!
And David H has reported that Del W is recovering and hopes to be back in action soon.