Roll Up, Roll Up for Friday Night Leagues!

Steve Barry flung the curtains wide this morning, saw the blue skies and opened the window to breathe in the spring air.  Seeing his garden lawn green and the blossom adorning the trees, it brought thoughts of longer daylight hours and, just as important, outdoor bowls.    Hooray!

Steve is running the Friday Night Club Triples Leagues (thank you) and has put a sign up sheet on the noticeboard so when you are next down at the club, please add your name to the sheet.

The leagues start around the 2nd week in May (date not yet fixed) and games commence between 5:00-5:30 and have previously been 12 ends so you don’t end up playing with miners’ helmets on to see the bowls.

Each team will have a squad so signing up does not commit you to playing every Friday night for 4 months or so without a night off.

Check in with those that have played in the leagues before. It’s a really good evening of bowls and socialising afterwards with a drink or two.

There will be a pen right by the sign up sheet, so please put your name down.


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