Saturday – Mixed Friendly Update!

It was a 3-1 rink win v King George Field – a reverse of last season’s result I think

Top rink were Barry, Teresa, Duncan & Andy K followed by Tricia, Frances, Dawn & Steve

Match included two course meal followed by a raffle of which Peter T was a prize winner!

KGF come back for a return match a CP in February

More sign up sheets at the club for friendlies and upcoming early rounds of National Competitions.  Please put your names down if you can play.

Club AGM tomorrow at 2:00 pm.  We are still looking for a couple more indoor section positions to be filled.

Morning roll ups Mondays to Fridays 10:00-12:00.  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays play through to midday without a break.  Tuesdays and Thursdays, there is a mid session tea/coffee break.

Evening roll ups Monday and Thursday next week starting at 6:00 pm


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