Saturday 6th May – Enjoy the Coronation to the Full. Match v Masonians Cancelled

Unfortunately Masonians couldn’t get a team together for Saturday, so the match has been cancelled.

Enjoy the Coronation and all the Street Parties if you’re going to them.  We’ll be happy to see what you’re all doing – probabyl in and out of the rain!

Don’t forget on Monday there’s Coronation Bowls starting at 11:30 for everyone who wants to come along and play some fun ends, practice some shots, bring family members.  Ploughman’s Lunch at approx 1.00 pm (please sign up or let Ange know today if you’re coming), then a inter club friendly in the afternoon.

We still need some more names for the next 3 Saturdays and Sunday 14th.  The Richmond & Barnes matches would have been friendlies if we hadn’t rejoined the league, so don’t be afraid to put your name down to play.  Playing in any of the matches helps improve your game.  Being a league adds just a bit more competitiveness!

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