Saturday’s Ladies’ Captain’s Match Report!

Saturday was a great day with five full rinks and many enthusiastic supporters on both sides. Lots of great shots from the ladies and gents, so difficult to work out quite where it all went wrong for the ladies! There were no big shot differences on any rinks, but the men just seemed to do enough to win on each one!

The food was well organised , warm and delicious, with many members enjoying a second helping. The bar was maybe flowing too well as there even seemed to be a shortage of glasses at one point.

The winning spiders were Joan and Barry and it was silver and gold medals (chocolate coins ) for the Ladies and Gents respectively.

My grateful thanks to all the ladies, particularly those who are in their first season bowling or who came in last minute . We hope you enjoyed the day! A special mention for Brian N too for helping us out. Also my thanks to Gordon who was a very gracious winning captain! Ladies we will be ready next year!


Talking of food (see above), Ann Macey is fund raising for Macmillan Cancer Research and would like as many cake donations as possible to come with you to the AGM on Thursday afternoon (30th September).  Bring one, buy one, share one as a ‘dessert’ on Friday at the Race Night!

Raffle tickets also still available.  The top prize hampers are wonderful!

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