Some Sad News Today

Antonia, Eric Payne’s wife, sadly passed away at the end of June. She had been unwell for quite a while and in and out of hospital but, of course, Eric was unable to visit her due to the virus restrictions until her last 48 hours when he was by her side throughout.  Eric said “the doctors and nurses were so generous and full of compassion.”

I only met her a couple of times, but she was a lovely lady with a lively spirit and shared many interests with Eric including travelling.  In fact Sheila Stocker emailed to pass on her condolences and said they had met Eric and Antonia on a cruise last year and had a great time catching up.  Apparently Eric used to play outdoors at Hampton BC.

We send our deepest sympathies to Eric and family.

Thanks to Ann D for keeping in touch with Eric through the lockdown and updating us with the sad news.

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