The Baton Passes to Andy H’s Triples for Tonight

Well, you missed a great Men’s Fours last night which went down to the last couple of ends. Peter J, Peter T, Kevin K & Steve G (subbing for Andy H) took on Eldred, Dave (not P), Steve B & Paul C from Hounslow in the Middlesex Fours semi-final.  For the first 15 ends, the heads were tight with the Hounslow boys catching our chaps up by playing short jacks. Then tiredness seem to step in across the green with the heating popping on for a few minutes but not enough to add enough warmth to keep the carpet running at its best.  Trying harder doesn’t always work but our chaps held on from 15-15 to 18-15 going into the final end.  Here’s a transcript of the 21st end running commentary so I hope you can visualise the scene.  They are playing from the bar end.

Peter J puts up a full length jack and draws just short with his first bowl. His 2nd lands a couple of feet short. Eldred’s bowls nip in for 2nd and 4th.
Kevin puts in best back and Hounslow Dave’s bowl goes for a swim. Kevin’s 2nd bowl trundles up for 2nd and Dave’s drops short.
Steve G heads to the mat. Focusses on his backhand and puts another behind the head putting pressure on Steve B’s shot which rattles the head and he slithers in for shot.  Drat!
Steve G’s 2nd bowl drops into the drink then Steve B’s bowl launches into the head again, this time ricocheting the jack forward. Nothing within 2 yards now but Peter J’s second bowl comes in handy for shot! (Who said short bowls are wasted?!)
Peter T goes through the head giving another back bowl. Paul C now has to try and manoeuvre the jack to kill the end or score 4. First bowl – missed. Peter T runs his second bowl past again and Paul’s second bowl hurtles towards the jack…. but misses.  
Great game and well done to our lads! 19-15.
I should have taken their photo, but I forgot.  Doh!
So, the baton is neatly passed to Andy H, Will & Ian D who play the semi-final of the Middlesex Triples tonight at Century.  Their green is longer and runs quite a bit faster than ours.  Good luck.  Play well and, as importantly, enjoy it!


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