Tuesday Evening Roll Ups Continue until the end of the Season

From Sarah:

Thank you to all the members who supported our Open Day.

After our four-week introduction course we have recruited nine new members.  I am very hopeful that we will add to that number in the coming weeks.

I would especially like to thank Tony, Alasdair, Karen, Julian, Jacqui, Lucy, John and Jane for all their support.

Our new members are very keen and I would love for them to meet and play with our existing members.  Some will join the morning roll ups but many work and are unable to play during the day.  We will keep the Tuessday evening roll ups going, so please come and join us, especially if you are meeding players for your Friday evening league team.

Thank you.

A big thank you to Sarah for all the hard work she put in with organising the Open Day and for putting the introduction course together and following it through with all the helpers.

To all our new members … WELCOME!

Those of us who are involved in County and National Competitions are somewhat busy until the middle of July, but after that we will have some more time and hope to join you on a Tuesday evening, at least.


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