Anyone Running in the London Marathon on Sunday?

Probably not looking at all our knees, hips, etc!

Have you ever run it?  Do you know anyone running this weekend?

Unfortunately the rainy weather forecast isn’t that great but maybe that’s better if you’re a runner?


There’s a long gap between indoor and outdoor seasons this year, isn’t there?   Seems to be dragging on.  Another week to go now, hopefully.

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  1. Hello Dawn

    Tony has run quite a few marathons and half marathons including the London Marathon twice when he raised money for Teddington Memorial Hospital.
    He will be full of nostalgia tomorrow and thinking “those were the days”
    Hope you are well, will see you soon when the Outside bowling starts.

    Shirley Oakes

    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      Well done Tony! Another great achievement from one of our members!
      Amazing that Hassan has stopped and is now catching up the Elite Women. Brave and determine girl.
      See you and Tony soon. Hope it’s warmer by next Saturday and not wet either!

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