Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Chris Squires!

Chris plays indoors at the Cambridge Park and outdoors at Hampton.  News from Kevin (thanks for the update) this week included….

Congratulations to Chris and Maggie Squires who celebrated their 56th Wedding Anniversary last week helped by the family providing flowers and the ingredients for a special celebration meal. Chris also heard from an old friend, age 83 who has survived the virus after 10 days in hospital, very good news.

All the Hampton members are well.  Richard D is out running or cycling every day while his wife is pounding her 10k+ steps in the home under lockdown.  Maureen K, seeing that Kevin was looking forward to some free time, kindly pointed out something else that needed painting!  Barry & Teresa have decorated the whole house and could well be starting on going around again!  Tricia is well although missing her daughters and granddaughters, as I know several of you are.  Steve G has been walking nearly 3 miles a day but now has a very sore ankle.  Mike & Tina C are well and looking forward to getting out on the bowling green, like the rest of us!  Laurence has donned the white lycra padded shorts and is whizzing twice around the perimeter of Bushy Park – a bit like Mr McHenry.  Shirley & Tony O are both well and making use of online exercise classes.  Ann & Terry are both well.  You can blame Terry for this week’s rain.  He purchased a second pair of shorts!

John D spent yesterday starting up his brewing industry with the gift he had for his **th birthday the other week!  John and his wife get out to Woodland Gardens in Bushy Park most days and havespotted both Gerry and George from afar.  When not doing either of those, he’s down in the Allotment beavering away.  With the number of you gardening, we’ll be able to host our own Bowls Gardeners’ Question Time.  Archie, Dave W and Bernard are also digging the soil and planting away.

Last night, Ann D passed over loads of sewn and crocheted headbands and drawstring scrubs bags for nurses at Teddington Hospital, which were very gratefully received.

Following a phone call last night from Jaquie E, the NPL members are doing well and looking forward to outdoor bowls at some point.

Ange and Scott both survived the hair colouring session  yesterday and they are also cooking Cottage Pie and Rhubarb Crumble (thanks to Joan O’N’s rhubarb donation) for delivery to some of you who have put their hand up for a homecooked meal.  They are doing a brilliant job for our community.  Des, the other member of the family, who is keeping well away from the kitchen and the scissors is working hard on selecting the best photos he took on their African safari at the beginning of March from the thousands he and Scott took.

Two examples for you.  Absolutely fabulous!  Looking forward to the talk he’ll be giving us.

Cheetah – photograph by Des Cumnine
Kori Bustard – photograph by Des Cumnine
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  1. kevin keown says:

    Thank you for this mega update on how people are doing in these unique times, It is great to read that all is well.
    Keep safe and well everyone.

    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      Thanks, Kevin. You’re doing a great job keping your bowlers in contact and so are loads of others. Network, networ, network!
      We’re definitely stronger together

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