
Janice M had an Open Garden yesterday afternoon assisted by Marie.  I hope they had lots of visitors and it must have been a relief to finish before that deluge of wet stuff dropped out of the sky in the early evening.  Gee whizz, there was a lot of water in a very short space of time!  We were coming down the M25 near the A30 turn off.  Not pleasant driving.  Jacquie E did a very good job.

Have any others of you offered your garden up for visitors?  Please let me have photos and I can post them on here.

The Middlesex Ladies lost by 2 shots to Oxfordshire yesterday at Banbury.  So close, yet so far.  The Middlesex Men were playing Oxfordshire in Headington and some of them came over after their match to watch and support us along with Dave P and Bridget Almond whom many of you will remember from all her years at CP.   Really great to have support from everyone, especially as the match wasn’t on the doorstep. Thank you.

Monday League at 1.45 pm today.  I haven’t asked Alexa, but the Met Office is predicting a shower at 1.00 pm, then dry until 4.00 pm when the sun should be poking its head above the clouds.

At 5.00 pm, it’s the quarter finals of the MIddlesex Ladies’ Pairs where Jean & Nadine face Liz & Sally from Fordbridge Park.   I think the men have a couple of matches tomorrow, the Senior Fours being one of them, so Norman or Steve should keep us informed of timings for those.  Thanks in advance!

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