It was really disappointing around where I live last night. Saw someone clapping from their window 100 yards away and a couple 100 yards in the other direction were there and from the block of flats opposite there were about 10 lots out. Everyone else say their applause evenings are getting stronger, so I’m not sure why ours has gone downwards. Odd!
Anyway, I hope you fared better where you live.
Richard H has been out on his daily walk with his camera this time – off to Woodlands in Bushy Park – lots of photos on our FB page but here’s one to whet your appetitie.

Aren’t they fantastic?! I love azaleas. Thanks, Richard. If anybody else is out walking and catches some views, please post to our Facebook page or send to me and I will do it.
Had an email from Chris C at Teddington BC yesterday. All well apart from Beryl who is under the weather and quite poorly, so please send some positive thoughts her way.
Bowls England decided to cancel the ‘celebration’ games so, alas, it means both Strawberry Hill and Masonians miss out on their Centenary matches. We’re really sorry about that.
Any plans for the weekend? Keep us updated – phone a friend!