It’s a New Day, It’s a New Working Week and I’m Feeling ….. Chilly

Trevor will be very pleased as there was a hard frost which means the worms start going further underground and improving that soil – not sure if it’s because they aerate it by making holes or just chomp away and the nutrients they need but the green doesn’t.

THe electrtician was in the Club doing the Periodical 5 Year Certification, so all will be well for when the doors can re-open.  I’m not taking bets on us moving down to Tier 3 when the announcement comes tomorrow.  Rumour has it there is going to be a Tier 5 but I guess we have to wait and see about that as well.  Some people are having a really tough time of it and probably had an even worse Christmas than most of us, so we need to send them some positive thoughts.

I hope you are all staying safe and well.  Have any more of you been summoned for the vaccine yet?

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