It’s Saturday – Hooray for the Weekend!

I thought you might like to know what day of the week it is!  The time of Betwistmas normally drags but it seems to be dragging more this time.  We can’t even go mooching around the January sales and there’s only so much time one can spend in a supermarket for entertainment.

Still, there’s plenty of opportunity to get out and about.  Find a different route to get where you want and add a few more steps.  Apart from getting some fresh air, it will knock off a few calories from all the extras you’ve eaten which you haven’t been able to share as usual!  Grab a flask with a hot drink and meet another person outdoors for a catch up.  Park at the club and go to Marble Hill Park or walk along the river.  It’s not warm out, but it’s not freezing either.

My New Year’s Resolution is to try and fall in love with the kitchen again and make tasty, healthy food that is not full of beans, pulses or copious amounts of dried fruit!  Yesterday I made Chicken Arribiata Stew.  The topping of Herbed Dumplings will be this morning’s job.


Have a good day and keep up the hands, face, space and ventilation procedures.  You know they make sense!


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