Listen to the Rain, Listen to the Falling Rain …

For those of you heading back to work this morning, rain on a Monday is the last thing you want, isn’t it?   However, it is going to dry out later and by the end of the week – Friday – it should be 30C.  The forecasters weren’t brave enough to mention the weekend when we take on Ashford on Saturday afternoon at 2.00 pm.

Yesterday morning the slight drizzle held off and it turned out to be a lovely morning weather-wise and bowls-wise with a 3-0 rink win v Hampton.  Hampton had one bowler in each triple for whom it was their first match.  Certainly Martin on our rink had a great game and didn’t appear to be a novice match player at all!

Good to see Ann H, Nadine, Terry & Ann M, and new member Stella & partner amongst the spectators.

Jane did a good job on the bar with the new till (card payments are preferred to reduce cash handling) and you are now allowed to go to the bar to buy your drinks.  There is signage in place as it’s a one way system – keep left to go in front of the outdoor notice boards, wait to order and pay at the front of the bar, then move to the right to collect your drinks and return to the dining room exit via the indoor noticeboards.  I can hear some of you walking this through in your heads.  Good!

You cannot sit at the bar and have your drink so the stools have been moved to reduce temptation to go back into old habits.

We don’t have a date for opening indoor bowling yet.  We have to ensure all safety measures are in place before you run riot on the green!  Further updates later this week.


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