Monday 8th November

A bright and chilly start welcomes you this morning …. if you haven’t ventured out yet.

The National Ladies Pairs yesterday morning proved to be a very good game as predicted.  Sarah & Lucy continued their run of outdoor pairs wins on the indoor green but it wasn’t without a fight by Ange & Jean.  There were some great shots by all four players and Jean’s deadly firing the jack into the ditch shot on the 17th end giving her 4 would have put them within in 2 shots of Sarah & Lucy had not Lucy drawn an absolute pearler to the edge of the ditch for second bowl.  Classy bowling all round.

Tonight Steve and Norman have their National Pairs against Sean Gingell and partner at 6.30 pm.  This will be another top quality match, so if you’re not playing in the Monday night leagues, it would be worth coming down to watch this and enjoy a drink from the bar at the same time, where Jane will be ready to serve you.

There was a goodly crowd for the coaching yesterday morning.  Thanks to Ann & Archie, Ann B and Alan for giving up their time to bring on our new bowlers.  They all seemed to be having a good time and we only spotted one wrong bias!  (It happens to all of us every now and then!)

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