Saturday Blues?

Surely not!

It’s on the chilly side of ok out there and it’s not raining. You can come for a roll up this afternoon at 2.00 pm  followed by tea and shop bought cakes (sorry, lost my enthusiasm of being in the kitchen).

Have you been or booked to see the 007 film yet?  Any reviews?

How did the Race Night go? and the Macmillan Raffle?  I’m sure some of you have news about those.  Ann, Margaret and Beryl were beavering away in the kitchen.  Jane and Gordon were busy with the glasses – hope the glasswasher started playing ball as well as adjusting to where the stocks are in the refurbished bar area; and Terry was arranging all the furniture when I popped in and Brian & Carol were ready and waiting for the first race!

Please let us all know how it went.

There’s the Quiz Night on Friday 29th October to look forward to, so start swatting up!

Whatever you are or are not doing today, I hope your Satuday is good.


  1. Jean Staples says:

    The race night went very well raising over £500 for The Macmillan Nurses organised by Ann & Terry !! There were lots of Raffle prizes and some of the winners we’re actually there to take them home ! I personally didn’t win any race not like Norman, Ann H, Gym & Lucy !! A very nice evening !

    • Dawn Slaughter says:

      That’s absolutely brilliant! Well done Ann & Terry and everyone else involved including all the punters without whom it would not have been a success.

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