Sunday 30th May – Mixed Friendly v London Civil Service

Well let’s hope we do a bit better today.  We had a bit of a pasting yesterday v West Ealing.  At one point Laurence’s rink were neck and neck, then a couple of ends ran away with them.  Teresa’s rink were behind then they picked up a 5 to put them in with a chance, but again the West Ealing rink pulled away.  On Kevin’s rink, we won the second half of the match.  Unfortunately we were nowhere near in the first half and went down heavily.

It was good to have some supporters – Reg, Brenda, Stella K along with her dog as well as Suzanne (Kevin’s wife) and their two Vizla’s.  All them behaved very well!  Jane was kept relatively busy with the bar- thank you.

It was a lovely sunny afternoon yesterday and hopefully it will brighten up today, although it’s somewhat cloudy at the moment!  Again, spectators are welcome and the bar will be open all afternoon.

Hope to see some of you later


PS  Well done to all those Brentford and Chelsea fans some of whom may have a sore head this morning!

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