What About a New Hobby?

Channel 4 is starting a four-part series tonight with Alex Brooker as he goes around the country with a ‘mate’ trying out various new hobbies – three per programme.  It should be a lot of fun and Alex is a tough chap – remember the series when he did the training to swim the channel.  He’s very plucky!

Anwya, on 2nd September, the programme includes bowls – hooray! – with talented Yaz Hasan from Egham joining Alex and friend.

Watch tonight at 9.00 pm (or on catch up during the week on the first episode) and subsequent episodes, but especially the bowls one!  You never know, you might find another hobby to try out – something indoors for those winter months in between indoor bowls.

Young bowler Yaz Hasan is to take centre stage in a new Channel Four series starting next month.

The 19-year-old Egham Bowls Club member will join presenter and comedian Alex Brooker as he tries out a range of the nation’s favourite pastimes in four-part mini-series ‘Hobby Man’ which starts tomorrow (Friday 19th) evening at 8pm.

Special guests join Brooker in each episode with Inbetweeners comedy actor Joe Thomas joining Yaz in episode three which takes in Wiltshire, Berkshire, and London and airs on Friday September 2nd.

Commenting on the exciting project which – coming hot on the heels of the Commonwealth Games – will again put lawn bowls on mainstream TV, Yaz said:

“The main goal for this was to promote the sport and show the country that anyone can play.

“It was an absolute pleasure to film with these two brilliant people – we had such a great time with lots of laughs.

“The most amazing thing is that I have managed to keep this a secret since it was filmed back in April. I was approached to do this while away on holiday in Spain and was really shocked that they asked me!


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