Well Done Gals and Commiserations Guys!

Well done to Nadine, Cathy & Ann who beat the Staines’ triple and to Sarah, Ange & Dawn winning their triples against Fordbridge Park.  They are now both through to the quarter-finals next Wednesday, 9th at 6.00 pm …. playing each other. Oh drat.  No pressure then!

Commiserations to Laurence and Kevin who played their Pairs away at Strawberry Hill.  Our roving reporter said the boys took a few ends to find the green and valiantly fought to catch up, but ran out of ends.  Not having four bowls each also didn’t help!!

Today, Ange and Dawn play in the County match v Bedfordshire over at Bush Hill Park.  This will be Ange’s first county match and she will receive her Colts’ badge.  More at her second match!

Our Ladies are out again in force on Thursday with the first round of the Middlesex Singles with some playing at home and some away at various times of the day.

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