Author: Dawn Slaughter

Saturday 9th December – Get On Those Blue Suede Shoes and Raise Funds for Cancer Research!

Elvis hasn’t entered the building yet but he will be swinging by on

Saturday 9th December at 7:00 pm

in the second Night with Elvis raising funds for Cancer Research,

organised by Peter & Gill Chapman.

If last year’s event is anything to go by, the tickets should sell fast

as everyone had such a great time!

£12 gives you entrance and food.  Bingo will cost extra.

So don’t be lonesome on the 9th. Come and gaze at the bald heads and wish they had hairDon’t be cruel though.

It’ll be an evening with a little less conversation because

you’ll be rocking around the clubhouse.

It won’t be a blue, blue Christmas because you’ll be always on our minds and no one can help falling in love with you or a Hound Dog!

Book your tickets now, It’s now or never!

Cambridge Park Enjoys a Win!

Yesterday morning, Steve G, Ian D, Graham D & Dave P went down to the Egham Four – Mark, Luke, Joe & Matt – in the London & Southern Counties Single Rink  Competition.

However, in the afternoon, the CP team led by Match Captain David Hale scored a 115-36 win over Bishop Duppas with a win on all four rinks!  Top rink led by Steve G, so that might have made up a bit for the morning’s defeat.

Good to see new-to-Cambridge Park Andy K skipping another of our successful rinks.

Thanks to all who played and to Jane behind the bar for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Sunday 5th November – Action Day!

Having a wander around Richmond and like to take a break and watch some bowls?

At 10:00, Steve G, Dave P, Ian D & Graham D take on an Egham Four in the 1st round of the London & Southern Counties Single Rink.

At 2:00, the Club are playing a Mixed Friendly v Bishop Duppas – 4 rinks.

Plenty to watch!

Yesterday, the ladies went out to a very strong Egham team in the Yetton Trophy.  Well done to Teresa, Ange, Frances and Tricia – our top and only winning rink.  You did us proud!  Good luck to Egham in the next round.

Talking of Egham, the ladies are up against them on Thursday morning 9th in the National Vivienne Trophy.  This is the first time we’ve entered this competition for years.  Four triples, two at home and two away starting at 10:00.

Whilst on Tuesday 7th, the Men are playing their National Over 60’s Double Rink v Herga (wow, not Egham!).  One rink home and one away starting at 10:30.

As usual, supporters and spectators are welcomed by our teams.  Teas/coffees available and the bar will be open at lunchtime as usual.

Saturday 4th November – Yetton Trophy v Egham at 10:00

Once again for the umpteenth year (!), we are facing Egham in the 2nd round of the National Yetton Trophy, playing on Saturday morning.  Two rinks will be at home and two at Egham.

Good luck to all the girls playing!


Well done to Dave P & Joyce from Hounslow who beat Peter T & Dawn in the National Mixed Pairs last night.  Only 1 shot in it going into the final end.  Dave played a cracker of a bowl to nudge Dawn’s shot bowl out and Peter’s running bowl decided to take the skinny pathway!.  Oh drat!  One day we’ll beat Dave P & his various partners!

Good luck to Dave & Joyce in the next round.

Foul Weather even for Fowl!

Take care when you go out. Many gutters are full and anyone walking or cycling by are quite likely to get soaked!

Sou’westers, thigh-high wellingtons, windscreen wipers on your spectacles are the orders for the day or, alternatively, shorts and t-shirt … as your skin will dry quicker than clothes!

Tea/coffee/soup/Christmas adverts which have just broken might be a distraction!

Anyway, we hope you all stay safe and dry and keep an eye on your neighbours



Updated Fixture List

The fixture list is now up on the calendar page. There will be tweaks as the weeks go along depending on National competition results

Thanks to Bob D for taking on the role.


Belated happy birthday to Ranjani V & Richard D for yesterday. We hope you both enjoyed cake and maybe bowls!

Tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick … Falling Back into Sunday and the Egham Trophy

Don’t forget the clocks go back tonight so we get an extra hour in bed.  Hooray!

For those of you playing against Hounslow in the National Egham Trophy, don’t turn up at 09:00 old time just get there for 09:30 new time at your respective venues!

Good luck and both venues welcome supporters.

Alas, we were unable to beat Hounslow but Steve G, Ian D, Frances D & Ann B had a terrific win on their rink and Peter T, Jacqui, Barry & Teresa made an excellent comeback and lost by just one little shot in the final couple of ends.

Good luck to Hounslow in the next round.