Author: Dawn Slaughter

Quarter-Finalists & Semi-Finalists

Well done to Tina, Ann, Cathy & Nadine who made it through the quarter-finals of the National Fours yesterday. They came up against a very strong Oxon team who are probably the favourites, but as “it’s all in the day”, you never know what will happen!

Terri Watkinson (Bush Hill Park) and Dawn start their Two Bowl Singles challenge this morning. The night’s rain has passed over and the sun is out. I’m sure the rain will have slowed the green down for the first matches.

On Saturday, Sarah & Lucy played Dave P & Gary in the semi-finals of the South Middlesex Australian Pairs competition but, sadly, they lost 16-19. Still a very creditable account of which Sarah & Lucy can be proud.
South Middlesex Finals Day is at Cambridge Park on Sunday 18th September, so mark the date in your diary.
We will know quite a few people playing including Steve, Tricia, Jean & Norman in the Mixed Fours and the same minus Tricia in the Mixed Triples.
Kevin K, Richard D & Bill R from Hampton also feature in more than one final.

Again … More Good Luck Tina, Cathy, Nadine & Ann!

This afternoon our four girls represented Middlesex in the National Fours Championships and they won their first round!

They’re good.

We know they’re good.

Bowlers don’t get to enjoy the excitement and adrenaline at Leamington unless they’re good!

And it’s a real honour to represent your County at the National Championships

Well done on sending lots of confidence vibes their way. Please do it again in the morning when they play a four from Acle (just down the road from Potters), Norfolk.

Final Outdoor Match – Men v Ladies Saturday 24th September

Hopefully the weather will still be kind to us at the end of the month as the Men battle it out against the Ladies on Saturday 24th August starting at 1:30 pm.

The slightly earlier start allows us to complete the match with refreshments before it gets too dark for people to drive home

I’ll put the sign up sheet on the board tomorrow (Friday). If I manage to leave home by 06:45, it’ll be up in the morning on my way to work, otherwise it’ll be tomorrow evening. Keep an eye out and please get your names down. It should be a fun closer of the outdoor season.

We might even manage a pre-match robin – Roy hasn’t got a spider! £1 a go.

National Championships – Junior & Seniors!

Good luck to Megan Hunt from West Ealing in the Junior Singles at Leamington. Her first opponent is from Bucks.

Further up the age range, Hannah Hollis & Sue Apperly from Bush Hill Park, having won their Regional Final, face Yorkshire this morning the Over 55 Senior Pairs.

The Middlesex Executive will be dashing between matches giving them lots of support.

Good luck to Yaz from Egham in the Junior Singles too. A lot of the competitors’ names are just names so it’s good to give support to those that we know who are competing.

Club Competitions Reaching Final Stages

Well done to all the competitors. The semi finals have nearly all been completed with some results being – Anthony & Peter in the Men’s Championship, Cathy facing either Sarah or Ange in the Ladies Championship; Steve & Norman through in the Men’s Pairs v Kevin C & Peter(?); Ann & Cathy play Sarah & Lucy in the Ladies Pairs; Gordon & Karen through in the Mixed Pairs to play Dave & Dawn.

Gordon & Jacqui through in the drawn mixed pairs but to play who??

Well that was decided tonight when Lucy & Anthony and Dave & Karen took to the green just after 5 pm and were still playing at 8.15 pm. Think about it. Have you looked outside at 8.15 pm in the last few days? It’s dark!

Lucy & Anthony got off to a 7-0 lead until Dave & Karen settled in. After 16 ends, Dave & Karen were 19-13 up and a neighbour’s cat decided to make friends with Lucy and Karen as they were trying to bowl!
Spurred on by finding themselves “near the kitty” (thanks Mick Delaney for that comment), Lucy & Anthony suddenly found their line and length again and crawled back up to 19-19 after 20 ends.

It was now 8.30 pm. The Bridge Club kindly put their outdoor light on as the battle for that winning shot on the final end took place. Karen put her second bowl next to the jack, Lucy responded with a nearby second. Nothing changed when the boys disappeared into the darkness.
“Have you bowled yet?” “Where is it?” “Oh, there it is. Good bowl” “Hard luck but it’s in a good position.” echoed eerily across the green through the darkness!

Dave put in a second shot and Anthony had the really difficult task of trying to just over draw to split Dave & Karen’s bowls and take the shot. When the only thing you can see is your partner’s white shorts, it was an uphill challenge which, unfortunately he didn’t quite pull off (shot not shorts!)
It was a great match and the quality of bowls, the spirit of the four players and appreciation of each other’s bowls would have made it a worthy final especially with a daylight crowd!
Well done to Dave & Karen for holding their nerve after dropping ends 17, 18, 19 & 20. Not easy!

A Grand Day Out!

Well done to Brian C and Ange for masterminding the 75 Shot Competition and the Hawaiian BBQ respectively yesterday.

First, the bowls. There were 40+ competitors champing at the bit to get going and four rinks were on a a time.
There were some very tight games when the final ends could have done to either opponent.

As all players were pretty cream-crackered by 4.00 pm so the semi-finals will be played on Saturday 10th September and the Final on Sunday 11th.
The line up is probably Tina Cooper v Barry Langley and Alasdair McWhinnie v Anthony Headland

Midway between all the games, Ange was head chef at BBQ with an assortment of meat, veg, gluten-free burgers , sausages and cauliflower florets with griddled bananas and peaches. Meanwhile Sheila, Karen, Jacqui, Norman and an assortment of other helpers were preparing salads and washing and clearing up.

Margaret Barnes and Shirley Oakes were doing a fine job with the raffle raising funds for next year’s hanging baskets.

Jane was doing a roaring trade behind the bar keeping us hydrated as usual.

Of course the whole day went with a bang because of the turnout of members and friends who came along to support and spectate. Thank you, thank you!

Competitive Indoor Bowls 2022-2023

We’ve got the dates through for the National Inter Club competitions.  So, if you’re keen to get play in these sorts of matches, get the dates in your diary as well as the afternoon of Saturday 9th October as we’ll have a try out of possible men’s v possible ladies teams.

Except for the Top Club, there will be an equal number of rinks home as away.

Sunday 16th October – Egham Trophy  (4 Mixed Rinks) v Hounslow

Saturday 22nd October – Denny Cup (4 Men’s Rinks) v Hounslow

Sunday 23rd October – Top Club (Mens 2 Bowl SIngles, Ladies 2 Bowl Singles, Mixed Pairs, Mixed Triples, Mixed Fours) v Mole Valley – all disciplines at Cambridge Park

Saturday 5th November – Yetton Trophy (4 ladies rinks) v Egham

Saturday 5th November – Denny Cup 2nd round or Denny Plate

Tuesday 8th November – Men’s Over 60s Double Rink v Egham

Saturday 19th November – Yetton Trophy or Plate and Denny Cup or Plate

Sunday 20th November – Top Club – second round (hopefully!)

Friday 25th November – Mason Trophy – Ladies Over  60s Double Rink v Egham

by Saturday 10th December – London & Southern Counties Challenge Shield – Men’s 4 Rinks

I don’t remember ever playing Mole Valley, so it will be a nice change from Hounslow and Egham!


Mixed Roll ups to get the season going on Saturday 1st and Saturday 8th October at 2.00 pm.  More dates to follow.