Author: Dawn Slaughter

‘‘Tis the Time of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness

as well as a time for changes!

if you feel you can offer to help the club by taking on any roles, however small, please let us know. Many hands make light work.
Most of us have skills from current or pre-retirement employment that can be put to good use to keep the Club moving forward.
Have a think and a chat  with fellow bowlers.

Lying in State

Picking up every now and again on the clips of HM Queen Elizabeth’s Coffin lying in state and the long long queues makes me well up every time. Goodness knows how King Charles and the other members of the Royal family are really feeling.
What a display of a mark of respect for a remarkable woman by thousands of people of all ages from all over the world it would seem.
I remember standing on the Great West Road when the hearse carrying Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother went past and, if the route permits, will do the same this time. I know even that will make me cry!

Have any of you been up to join the queue to pay your respects? Please let us know about your experience.

Or maybe you met HM the Queen? Again, it would be good to hear from you.

Many Hands Make Light Work!

As mentioned last week, on Sunday 18th September, we are hosting the South Middlesex Competition Finals at the Club. We could do with a few more pairs of hands to welcome the players, serve teas and coffees and prepare the Ploughman’s
Lunches for the competitors.

Norman, Jean, Steve & Tricia are playing in two finals so can’t mastermind kitchen duties at the same time.

We would appreciate your help even if you can offer just a couple of hours so please let Norman or Jane know.

No kitchen experience required, just willing hands!


Flag Details

As expected Cambridge Park hoisted their flag to half mast yesterday morning , thanks to Sarah & Norman.
It is actually a third rather than a half.
This morning the flag was raised to full mast (thanks, Sarah) and will remain so until 13:00 tomorrow, Sunday,  in accordance with government guidelines during an Accession to the Throne.
Tomorrow afternoon, the flag will be returned to half mast for the remainder of the mourning period until after the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. (Funeral is thought to be on Monday 19th September)

God Save the King!


PS  You may need to store this information as it is sure to pop up in a pub quiz in the next few months)


Club AGM

The AGM for Cambridge Park Bowling & Sports Club Ltd including the Indoor and Outdoor Clubs will be held on Thursday 29th September at 2.00 pm at the Club.

We have a brilliant club but it needs your help to spread the tasks that are required to keep it running smoothly, working together to make it a club, not a building with people.  If you think you can offer to do something, however small, then please speak to Ange, Norman, Gordon or Jane.

H M the Queen

What terribly sad news to hear that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has passed away.  What an amazing life she has led.  You cannot fault her commitment to her duty to the country and its people.   We may not have known her personally, but she has always been there.  For many, she has been the ‘constant’ throughout all our lives.  A huge loss.

Our deepest sympathies go out to her family.  May she rest in peace, united with Prince Philip.

More National Finals Results

Today Sandra Williamson-Mills played Annalisa from Lincs in the Ladies SIngles Championship.  Annalisa was hot footing from her Fours win on Tuesday and her experience managed to get the win over Sandra.  Annalisa’s run ended in the last 16.

On another green, the Paddington chaps were playing the Senior Fours.  They got off to a great start, but their opposition shook off the early autumn morning and came back fighting, winning the gtie by 5 shots.

Tomorrow (Thursday), Dave Pitt takes on Adrian Beecroft from Ipswich in the Men’s Championship.  Good luck, Dave.  We’re routing for you!

What I omitted to say that not only are all our bowlers getting texts/WhatsApp/emails from their friends and fellow club members, but the support greenside is second to none!  Brian Hearn, Jacquie Elkin & Dee Hardy have been there for every Middlesex tie and other Middlesex bowlers – men and women – have supported each and every one of us throughout the tournament.  It gives you a real buzz knowing there are people cheering you on when you play good shots and being sympathetic when your bowls don’t do what  you hope they’ll do!

Big thanks to everyone who gives the Middlesex bowlers their support.  It really is greatly appreciated.

This shot was just as the Men’s Two Bowls Singles was starting.  The Middlesex Massive were there in force despite the driving rain!


Thanks for Your Support

Thanks to everyone who send messages of good luck and support yesterday.
I managed to beat my opponent from Leicestershire to reach the last 32.
my second match was v Morgan Merryweather from Isle of Bohemia (yes it is in the UK – Berkshire to be precise).
mirgan started strongly so I was on catch up the whole game. On the 18th end, both of us thought my second bowl was nestling in nicely in front of her shot wood but then it did an extra roll and went behind. On the 19th end, I was wise of a draw with my first bowl, then narrowly missed taking the jack back with my second giving Morgan 1 shot and the match. I needed 5 and they were only 4 available from ends 20 & 21!  C’est la vie.

Terri Watkinson played Cornwall in her first match and also fought her way back from behind to go into the final end at 13-13. Terri’s first bowl went through about 5’ and her opponent put her first bowl within a few inches of the jack, leaving Terri a very accurate pressurised shot if she was going to win. Alas, it wasn’t to be.
Neither of us let our club or County down. Phew! (The last thing you want to happen at Leamington is to look a muppet!)

despite my prediction, Lincs beat the Oxon Ladies team in the fours final.

It was good to bump into Maurice Byron as he was heading off to play in the Tony Alcock Trophy  alas, his team went down 32-34. You could say it was a close game, unlike two of the others who struggled to reach half of their opponents’ scores

Today, Paul Cater from West Ealing and Glen from Hendon start their two bowl challenge. We had buckets of rain overnight and, although the Met Office app does not predict any rain before 4.00 pm, it is very overcast this morning and maybe the day for a fleece.
Good luck to both chaps.