Author: Dawn Slaughter

Indoor Fixtures 2022-2023 including The First Friendly of the Indoor Season on Wednesday 5th October!

The current list of indoor fixtures are on the Calendar page – the usual table format is under the first list, which contains our team early National Competition dates.

The page will get updated regularly as more fixtures are added.

On Wednesday 5th October, we have an away fixture v King George Field in Chessington starting at 2.00 pm. This is a really good friendly, yet competitive fixture.  Because it’s very early in the seaon, it’s a great chance to get your name down to play sooner rather than later.  KGF are waiting to see if we will be taking 3/4 triples or 3/4 rinks with us.

They will be providing a hot two-course meal after the match, so including the green fee, the total match fee is £12.  The caterers do a pretty mean roast, which is a good reason to play and get fed afterwards with no washing up!

There are cars going from the Club, so if you need a lift, please put a note beside your name.  Kevin Keown is the captain.

Booking rinks indoors.  If you are booking a rink for indoor play, please use the Indoor Rink Booking page. If you know members who do not have internet access that might wish to book a rink to practice, please offer to book it for them or ask Jane or one of the indoor committee (to be confirmed on Thursday 29th).

Weyhey – The Girls Did It!

A fantastic end to the outdoor season with a win for THE GIRLS!  Ah, revenge is sweet.
Saturday afternoon went with a swing in glorious September sunshine. We had 33 on the green (Scott kindly came in part way through for Nadine when she was under the weather)

A brilliant start for Jacqui, Stella, Sarah & Lucy when they were 17-0 after 11 ends. Gordon and his boys just weren’t allowed anywhere near the jack!  Our other three rinks couldn’t match that and we were ahead on all four rinks for a lot of the game.
Ann H’s girls played steadily throughout and stayed in top from the 5th end onwards against Kevin L’s chaps. Well done Corale who crept in for shot on more than one occasion. She and George were vying for shot on nearly every end.
Teresa & Barry had a call this morning when Tasha & Janice were both poorly. Along with Nadine/Scott and Corinne they managed to stay ahead most of the game until Steve, Norman, Shaf & Tony pulled it out of the bag on the 21st end to win 23-21.
Meanwhile on rink 3, it was neck and neck with Jean, Ange, Tricia & Joan v Julian (debut match), Gym, Brian C & Ray V all the way through. Julian and Brian C had an amazing 21st end putting their four bowls in very close proximity to the jack. Ange’s first bowl turned Tricia’s bowl in for 2nd shot and her second bowl gracefully glided through the packed head without touching anything. How?  Jean’s two bowls were not a million miles away but Gym Bicycle-Brown played an absolute pearler to take the second shot out giving the chaps a three and a final one  shot win as the sun faded behind the clouds.
The banter bounced back and forth across the rinks and the joy of playing a final match in such good company along with spectators was pure joy.
Ann H won the “Robin” giving her a bottle of single malt whisky whilst the entry fees contributed £50 to the Macmillan Cancer Support Fund.
Jacquie Elkin provided the robin and made some very welcome pots of tea while Scott did a fine job behind the bar.
A great collaboration from all the members who helped wash up and clean up afterwards not just in the dining area but also all the outdoor equipment and chairs. Thanks to one and all.  It couldn’t have been better !

No Rain Forecast for Saturday!

Gee whizz, it was a bit of a dark morning at 6:00 am. Autumn is upon us and this morning’s constant drizzle might be good for the gardens but makes everywhere look a bit sad!

The Met Office does not forecast any rain tomorrow which is good. In the morning the Men’s Open Pairs and Mixed Open Pairs Finals start at 10:00 and should be finished in time for the afternoon’s match. Sandwiches are provided for after the game. Match Fee £5. Scott is running the bar.
UPDATE!  Sorry. I had the wrong information as one of the players is away until Sunday night. On Tuesday, The Ladies Open Singles Final between Sarah & Cathy is scheduled for the afternoon but the date for the Ladies Pairs Final accompanied by Lucy & Ann respectively has yet to be fixed

Morning roll ups start indoors on Monday at 10:00 am. . Monday, Wednesday & Fridays the 2 hour session plays right through and several stay afterwards for a beer or other beverage and put the world to rights, check up on league football and lots of chat about this, that and the other.
On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, there is a mid roll up break for coffee.

if today’s weather starts again after the weekend, we’ll be pleased to be back indoors!  Check out the noticeboard for upcoming evening and weekend roll ups.

If you’d like to join an afternoon or evening league, please contact David Hale. There are always spaces available to accommodate more players.

See quite a few of you tomorrow!

Saturday 24th September – Get Polishing!

The final outdoor match of the 2022 season is upon us!  Get your club shirts, whites and fleeces out as we take to the green on Saturday with a 1:30 start …. with a robin!  OK, most clubs have a spider, but we’re being a bit different thanks to Jackie Elkin.  Please bring £1 for entry for this plus £5 match fee if you are playing as we are having refreshments afterwards.

Teams are below and we look forward to seeing  you plus any spectators who would like to come along.  Jane is away for a week, so Scott is manning the bar – thanks!

Duty and Service

Wow, wasn’t there a lot to take in yesterday and, taking everything into account, the previous 10 days.  The disbelief, the crowds, the flowers, the emotions and The Queue.  There will never be another one like it.

Amid the grandeur, it was good to hear that simple services were going on around the country.  Ray V reported

We went to Richmond Service for The Queen Sunday Evening at St Mary’s Church Twickenham. Sat in the second row behind Munira Wilson MP Sarah Olney MP mayor of Richmond, the leader of Richmond Council and various other VIPs. The service had a similar format to the main one at Westminster Abbey but at least two mentions of corgis and horses.

I think maybe we were all hoping for horses and corgies somewhere as both meant so much to Her Majesty.  It was wonderful to see they had been included not only at small memorial services across the land, but also when she arrived at Windsor. with her favourite pony, Emma, and the corgis Muirk and Sandy.

The removal of the sceptre, the orb and then the crown followed by the laying of the banner by King Charles III and the breaking of the rod by the Lord Chamberlain ended the Elizabethan age and put the final closure and farewell for the general public.  The lone piper. It was a very symbolic and moving, creating more tears.  For the family, I am sure they need the remaining 7 days of mourning so much.  All the mourning since The Queen’s death was announced has been in public with cameras all over the place.  They all did so well, holding it together, just as the Queen would have instructed them.  All credit to Her and them.

20 million of us watched the funeral on television, then there were the 2,000 guests at Westminster Abbey and 800 at Windsor.  Adding the thousands of people lining the streets in London and all the way to Windsor, I wonder if the total was near the 4.1 billion predicted when you take in the rest of the world?  We shall probably never know unless we have to enter details on the next Census.

Today seems like a new start of everything. New day.  New King. New Prime Minister. New Police Commissioner to name but a few. It was different.  Or was it my imagination …..?