Author: Dawn Slaughter

Not Quite Men’s v Ladies

With several last minute changes I.e. at 2:00 pm, the game got under way with a mixture of men with ladies.
Teresa’s triple had a great start and, although Gym’s team made up a great deal of ground , they couldn’t catch them up.
On Dawn’s triples. It was a game of two halves as Kevin, Corale & Peter J suddenly found their line and weight on rink 2 and had a very convincing win.
Bob, freshly back from his holidays, put up a full length jack which he promptly ditched with his first bowl!  Steve knew his luck was in!  Lucy’s four kept on battling but needing a 6 on the final end became an impossible task.
Ann B and Andy’s triples took on the very swingy rink 1. Andy got into his stride in the second half and, from what could see, kept creeping in for shot with some cracking bowls!

Good to see new members Wills, Tony & Dan playing and contributing to their various team’s successes. Thanks to Corale and Bernie W coming in at the last minute. We hope the others who were unwell yesterday feel better soon and the red line shows alongside the C rather than the T soon.

Leagues Start Monday 24th October

The leagues are starting soon. Yay!

there will be Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday evening leagues and Tuesday & Thursday afternoons.
David Hale is working his magic and will speak to the team captains re Tuesday afternoons.

There is a sign up sheet for anyone wishing to join a league. For those of you new to the leagues, you aren’t expected to play in every match. Most of the teams have the required number of players plus 2 so players get a chance to move around.
Leagues are a good way of meeting other members and playing against memebers whose paths you wouldn’t normally cross.


Need more information?  Please speak to David Hale at the club.




It was a Draw!

Well done to Kevin and co scoring a 73-73; 2-2 rink draw against King George Field.  An very even start to the season!

Top triple were Tricia G, Brian N & Steve with a cracking win of 21-8.

An afternoon that was thoroughly enjoyed by both teams.

Indoor Season Up and Away!

With a fantastic turnout of 28 on Saturday afternoon as well as the regular midweek morning roll ups and the odd evening roll ups, the indoor season is definitely under way!

There is still time to join a league team so let David Hale know if you’re looking to join in.  Leagues are on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday evenings, Thursday afternoons and the possibility of a Tuesday afternoon depending on numbers

There are sign up sheets for roll ups, mixed friendlies and National team comps up on the noticeboard , so sign up if you’re available.

If you’re fairly new to bowls, still put your name up as it’s a great way of learning more about the game – how and why particular shots are chosen and the outcomes. Some will give ‘oh wow’ and others will give ‘oo-ouch’ results!  It’s also a great way of meeting and playing in a team with other club members .

This afternoon, it’s the first mixed friendly of the season away against King George Field. Good luck to Kevin and his team!

Who Loves a Race Night? You Do! WOW!

Reports from Friday’s night event say it was a success from all different sorts of perspective.

The punters, the organisers, the chill maker and her glamorous assisant, the bar girl and the raffle mistress to name but a few!

From Ann Macey:

“A big thank you to everyone who helped me to raise a massive £835.00 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

“This was made up of Raffle Ticket sales, the “Robin” (Spider) before the Men’s/Ladies match, and cake sales which totalled £485.  The Race Night was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and they gave us an amazing £350 from their takings – a previously agreed percentage plus some extra.  (They were impressed by the club and all of you who made them so welcome and helped them with all their gear at the end of the evening. no steps to climb and not to mention being fed as well – great work everyone!)

“Thank you also to everyone who donated prizes.  The big winners were:-

1st:  Barry Langley – the Hamper

2nd: Dave Reddington – bottle of Jack Daniels Whisky

3rd: Ramon – Beauty Hamper “


For all partakers, you have a second important decision to make alongside baked beans or peas with Sausages & Mash and that is …..

When the Race Night returns on 29th September 2023 (booking confirmed), would you like to go to the dogs or stay with the horses?




Tip Re Gas & Electricity Bills

In case you didn’t hear/see it, there was a suggestion which came from a BBC email that everyone should take readings from the gas and electricity meters today and submit to their supplier.
This should ensure you should pay today’s rates for gas/electricity used up to the end of today rather than paying 1st October prices for last month’s usage.

Hope that makes sense!

I took photos of my smart meter readings so am not quite sure how it works with those.  Does one ever get estimated readings with these?