Author: Dawn Slaughter

Giddy up, Giddy up … We’re off to the Races on Friday 25th October – in Aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

Get those jodphurs or chaps or spurs or silks on – whatever you like!  Race Night is coming to Cambridge Park!

Starting at 6:00 pm.  There’s a raffle in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.

Ann Macey is collecting raffle prizes as well as selling raffle tickets (also available behind the bar £1 per strip).

Sign up sheet in the clubhouse.


Monday 14th October – Update on Rink 1

This is a message to keep  everyone up to date on developments to get Rink 1 available for play.
Representatives of Cavendish Surveyors and Maclen Property Services visited early on Friday 11/10/24 to look at temporary repairs to the wall and see us through safely to the main repairs in May 2025.
They came up with a plan to fit a temporary plywood stud wall anchored to the steels either side of and along the bottom of the damaged area. This should be a quick and inexpensive procedure. We were happy with this plan and are awaiting a quote from Maclen. We stressed it was important that this went ahead asap and a maximum time of 23/10/24 was not dismissed by the builders. We are awaiting the quote.
Thank you.  Alasdair.

Indoor Leagues – More Players Needed!

Message from David Hale re the indoor leagues …

Leagues – we need more players!

The new indoor league season starts on week commencing 21st October. We still have spaces for extra players and are keen for people who are not already in a team to sign up.

If you are interested or want to know more, there is a sign-up sheet on the noticeboard or you can email David Hale directly on

The leagues are all 2 hour games and are played:

Monday evenings @ 6.30pm – 4 player teams

Tuesday afternoons @ 2pm – 3 player teams

Tuesday evenings @ 6.30pm – 3 player teams

Wednesday evenings @ 6.30pm – 4 player teams

Thursday afternoons @ 2pm – 3 player teams

Players in a team play in a team rota and typically play every other week.

Saturday – Mixed Friendly Update!

It was a 3-1 rink win v King George Field – a reverse of last season’s result I think

Top rink were Barry, Teresa, Duncan & Andy K followed by Tricia, Frances, Dawn & Steve

Match included two course meal followed by a raffle of which Peter T was a prize winner!

KGF come back for a return match a CP in February

More sign up sheets at the club for friendlies and upcoming early rounds of National Competitions.  Please put your names down if you can play.

Club AGM tomorrow at 2:00 pm.  We are still looking for a couple more indoor section positions to be filled.

Morning roll ups Mondays to Fridays 10:00-12:00.  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays play through to midday without a break.  Tuesdays and Thursdays, there is a mid session tea/coffee break.

Evening roll ups Monday and Thursday next week starting at 6:00 pm


Indoor Club Competitions

Well done to Stella S and assistant Dave R for getting the Indoor Club Forms out there.
Deadline for returns including fees which can be paid over the bar, is Saturday 16th November with the draw taking place on Friday 22nd.
Forms look like this:

I hope this works now.  Stella said the form image wouldn’t open for her on the original post.  Please let me know if it’s still a problem.

Indoor Competitions entry form 2024 25