Author: Dawn Slaughter

2019/2020 Club Finals – Results

Thanks to Ange for organising these finals under difficult circumstances and also for doing all the catering.  Well done to everyone who played and those who spectated and helped Ange out with the washing up and clearing up!  It was a very long day for most of us!


Yetton Plate: 2-2. Isn’t that a Draw?!

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, 2-2 in rinks does not class as a draw and we came second yesterday.  At 5 ends, we were level pegging.  At 10 ends , we were 2 down.  At 15 ends, we were only 1 behind. Then, I’m not sure quite what happened.  Did we lose concentration?  Did Folkestone move up a gear?  Whatever it was, we didn’t manage to maintain that momentum and shots were dropped.  Everyone was still trying their best, but it just wasn’t to be.  Congratulations to Ann H, Ange, Joan O’N & Audrey, and Tina, Frances, Marie & Dawn for winning their rinks.   Well done to Stella S who played her first National Team match too.  Those black and white speckly bowls were going well!

The thing is, you never know who you’ll be playing.  All the rinks are drawn and you could end up playing the opposition’s strongest or weakest team and it’s the same for the opponents. However the draw fell, the game was played with great determination and friendliness between the teams.  The encouragement from Terry & Ann, Jacquie, Janice, Gym, Ian, Mike, Bob & Barry from behind the green was very much appreciated.  Thanks to all of them who got up very early to come along to support and to Jean (who we missed) & Norman in Spain, Steve G (poorly) and Peter T who were keen to get very regular updates from on-the-bowl CP Reporter, Mike C!

Mote Park were fine hosts and being able to buy lunch afterwards was very welcome.  Thanks also to John, our coach driver, getting us there and back in not the best of weather!

We will definitely have another go next year.  We know we are capable of moving through the early rounds now and we need the confidence to believe in ourselves that we can do it!

Good luck to Folkestone who now play Arun (Sheila Stocker’s club) in the quarter-finals.  Actually we wish both teams good luck and to play well.  Sheila is a former member of Cambridge Park indoors and keeps up with all the news of the club and other members from both us and Hampton.

Not a million miles away from Mote Park, Hounslow were playing Oyster (Whitstable) at Royal Tunbridge Wells in the last 16 of the Denny Plate.  Dave Pitt reported that they “scraped through by 3 shots”.  One shot is all that it needs for a win, so that was brilliant news for Hounslow and we wish them the best of luck in the quarter finals .  Their next opponents are either Atherley or Worthing Pavilion – scores aren’t up yet.  Good luck chaps!


It wasn’t a good week for Fours as both Kevin K’s men’s four and Ange’s Ladies’ Four came second in our matches against Dave Pitt and Kylie Jenkin’s teams.

The three Ts (Tina, Tricia & Teresa) are battling out their triples against Egham (again!) tonight so we hope they come out on top!

Ann B and Dawn had to defer their National 2 Bowl Singles as Ann fell and sprained her ‘bowling’ thumb.  She’s resting it between icing and tens-ing to give her the best chance of playing tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow, it’s the BIG game for the ladies.  We have had good wishes from Kevin K, Peter T, Norman, Jean, Nadine, Jane, Roy E, Sue Apperly, Paul Darius, Mary Ball, Mandy Simpson and others who can’t make the day out. There’s still room on the coach if you would like to join us.  07.50 am at Cambridge Park at the latest!   You should be able to buy your breakfast at Mote Park as the caterers will be there all day.

We wish Sheila Stocker good luck as her club, Arun, play the Isle of Wight.  The winners of that match will play the winners of our match.

If you can’t spare a whole day, the two P’s – Peter J & Peter T – will be playing their 2019/20 Club Two-Bowl Singles Final at 10.00 am tomorrow and Kevin K has another competition at midday.

Of course, on Sunday, the club will be busy with the rest of the 2019/20 Club Finals.  Busy, busy, busy!


Stay safe, warm and well!


Wrap Up Warm!

It’s very brrrrr out there today.

From tomorrow  you will have a bit of an excuse to stay in as the World Indoor Bowls Championships will be screened from Potters on the WIBC Facebook channel.  I haven’t checked but the matches have previously come up on YouTube, so if any of you know this is the same this year, please could you post a link?

Nadine is pretty hot on keeping up with these international games, so might have a better idea our from sunny Singapore!  Jean & Norman are also enjoying some warmth and sun in Spain.


Nearer to Twickenham, some of you are getting well ahead with your 2022 Indoor Club Competitions ahead of the 2019-20 Club Finals which are being played this Sunday 9th January.  We can promise you a very good standard of bowls in normal formats and a warm welcome and live at your feet, rather than on a streaming channel in set format!  The bar will be open and there may be a spare jacket potato for spectators.  Please let Ange know  todayif you would like a light lunch if you’re coming as a spectator.


Mixed Friendlies Coming up in 2022

On top of everything else going on, we have some mixed friendlies coming up in the next 5 weeks.  Sign up sheets will be on the board on Wednesday.  It’ll be good to play some other clubs again!  All 2.00 pm start and, unless other advised, will be whites with club shirts.

Saturday 15th January – Chertsey

Sunday 16th January – King George Field

Sunday 23rd January – London Welsh

Saturday 5th February – West Ealing

Sunday 6th February – Teddington