Category: News

Middlesex Outdoor Comps Entries

For those of you wishing to enter the Middlesex competitions (those that go through to Nationals as well as local county comps), Karen & Jacqui have extended the deadline for entries to Sunday 27th October.  It’s the forms that look like this next to the red box by the indoor green.

The Individual Senior and inter club National competitions are available for entry on from December so no rush for those yet!

Indoor Club competition forms need to be in by 16th November


Club Indoor Competitions – Message from Stella

Just a reminder that entry forms are now available by the Indoor Fixtures Board near the bar and the closing date for entry is 16 November. All members, new and old, are encouraged to enter as many of the competitions as possible. We would particularly like to see more of our women members entering as last year numbers were very low.

A note on completing the forms.
The forms MUST be completed as follows:
– Each person must complete their own form as everyone gets an individual competitor number for the draw.
– Tick each competition being entered @ £3.
– If playing in pairs or triples, enter the names of your partner/partners. They should complete their own entry forms.
– Print CLEARLY your name and phone number at the bottom of the form, and sign it.
– Total the cost of your entries and pay that amount over the bar. The person taking your money over the bar will sign and date your form to confirm payment. Once signed as paid you should put the form in the red box.

Triples and finals are played on the set weekends published on the forms so please make a note of the dates in your diaries. When you sign the forms, you are confirming that you will be available to play on these dates.

Indoor League Rules

Cambridge Park Indoor Bowls Club League Rules 2024/2025 Season
All players must be paid up members of the club. A condition of Membership is that
members will abide by the Cambridge Park Bowling and Sports Club Rules, which will
include adhering to any coronavirus requirements. For Health and Safety reasons, no
bowls bags are allowed in the lounge area and such bags should be left in the
changing rooms.
The aim of the leagues is to have friendly competition with the emphasis on fair play
and the spirit of the game.
Dress Code: Normally, above the waist white or Club shirt with grey trousers/skirt, or
appropriate smart casuals may be worn. Regulation Bowls Shoes must be worn at all
times to protect the green.

League Rules 2024/25
1. The League Secretary for the 2024/25 Season is David Hale
2. League team captains must register their team with the League Secretary at the
start of the season and collect a £3.50 one-off league entry fee for each of their
team members. Ideally, they can pay that in over the bar, or otherwise pass it to the
League Secretary. Additional players may be registered during the season by
contacting the League Secretary. No member may be registered for more than one
team in any one league. Players may apply to the League Secretary for reallocation
to another team.
2. The aim is to get all matches played if possible. League matches can be
rearranged by the League Secretary, without penalty, if they coincide with a Club
AGM or Dinner, or providing the League Secretary has been given 7 days’ notice.
If a match has to be rearranged at shorter notice, the teams should endeavour to
get it played at a later date. It is the responsibility of the postponing Team Captain
to make the revised playing arrangement with the other Team Captain, the
League Secretary only needs to be involved if assistance is needed. If a new
suitable date cannot be mutually agreed, then the postponing team will forfeit
the match and the opponents will also be awarded 2 points and a shot difference
of 8 shots.
1. Insufficient players. If a League team turns up for a match with insufficient players
and is more than one player short, then the match cannot be fulfilled. In that
situation, the opponents will also be awarded 2 points and a shot difference of 8
shots. However, if the League team with insufficient players has just one missing
player, then the match can be played but there will be a penalty:
i. In Fours, if only 3 players of one team are present, the Lead and the number Two
shall each play with 3 bowls. The team will lose 25% of their final score, rounded
to the nearest point (halves are rounded up). So, for instance, if they score 22
points, they will lose 5 ½ shots which is rounded up to 6 shots making an adjusted
total of 16 points. If they score 25 shots, they lose 6 ¼ shots which rounds to 6
shots, so their adjusted score is 19 shots.
ii. In Triples, if only 2 players of a team are present then the 2 players team will
play with 4 bowls each. The 3 players team shall play with 3 bowls each. As the 3
players team has 9 bowls to the 2 players team’s 8, this means that the 3 players
team will always deliver the first bowl and the last bowl. However, the 2 players
team will cast the jack if they won either the previous end or the toss for the first
end. In addition, the 2 players team will lose 25% of their final score, rounded to
the nearest point (halves are rounded up). So, for instance, if they score 22 points,
they will lose 5 ½ shots which is rounded up to 6 shots making an adjusted total of
16 points. If they score 25 shots, they lose 6 ¼ shots which rounds to 6 shots, so
their adjusted score is 19 shots.
iii. If a team is short just because one member turns up late, but that member later
turns up before the fifth end jack is cast, then they play to the above rules (i. or ii.
as appropriate) until their player arrives and then the match continues normally.

So, for example, if when their remaining player turns up their score is 6 then they
will suffer a 1 ½ shot penalty which rounds to 2 shots and then the match
continues as normal. So, at the end of the game they will just have suffered a 2-
point penalty. Please note, if a player is running a few minutes late and they ring
to say, or it is known that traffic is bad, then the start of a match can be delayed to
wait to them. Skips are asked to exercise their judgement to ensure fair play in the
friendly spirit of the club.
4. The Indoor Committee has the right to authorise the use of rinks for games (i.e.
Nationals & interclub competitions) other than those shown on the programme.
6. All League games will be 2-hour games, no trial ends, toss for Jack and use re-
spots for Jacks going out of the side confines of the rink.
7. The Lead players will Toss for the Jack at the start. If the Jack is miscast on an end,
the opposing Skip shall place the Jack at his required length and may also request
the placing of the Mat to be changed. For the final end the Jack must be cast by
the Lead from a legal mat and centred by the Skip before the 2-hour time limit is
reached. If the jack has been tossed and centred, then the final end will be played
even if it takes the match slightly past 2 hours.
8. In any 2-hour time limited league match in which the time commences before
6.30, the game must finish when the 2 hours have elapsed. The Skips will
determine the commencement time which will then be written on the Score Card.
At the end of the game, the skips will sign the Score Card to certify the total scores.
9. Re-spot
When the Jack goes out of the side confines of the link it will be placed on the
nearest re-spot position and play continues normally. If the re-spot is covered by
a bowl the Jack shall be placed as near as possible to that spot. If the re-spot
position is covered and re-spotting close to the spot would cause a dispute as to
which side’s bowl is nearest, then it is a no end and the end is finished and
recorded, but there are no points.
10. Guest Bowler
A guest bowler may be invited to make up a team BUT can only play up to 3 times in
anyone season for the same team without being fully registered. The Guest player
cannot play for a team in a League which they are already a registered member of
another team in that League. A list of members who wish to be considered for such
Guest opportunities will be maintained by the League Secretary. It is hoped that this
will enable "full teams" to be deployed throughout the season.
10. Prizes. The Prizes for the 2024/25 season are determined by a combination
of the size of teams and the number of team entries. The prizes are:


No. of
s in

1st 2nd 3rd

Monday evening Rinks 4 £52 £28 N/A
Tuesday evening Triples 4 £42 £21 N/A
Wednesday evening Rinks 4 £52 £28 N/A
Tuesday afternoon Triples 4 £42 £21 N/A
Thursday afternoon Triples 8 £48 £21 £14

11. Any matter which is not covered by these rules will be dealt with by the
League Secretary whose decision shall be final.

Giddy up, Giddy up … We’re off to the Races on Friday 25th October – in Aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

Get those jodphurs or chaps or spurs or silks on – whatever you like!  Race Night is coming to Cambridge Park!

Starting at 6:00 pm.  There’s a raffle in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.

Ann Macey is collecting raffle prizes as well as selling raffle tickets (also available behind the bar £1 per strip).

Sign up sheet in the clubhouse.


Monday 14th October – Update on Rink 1

This is a message to keep  everyone up to date on developments to get Rink 1 available for play.
Representatives of Cavendish Surveyors and Maclen Property Services visited early on Friday 11/10/24 to look at temporary repairs to the wall and see us through safely to the main repairs in May 2025.
They came up with a plan to fit a temporary plywood stud wall anchored to the steels either side of and along the bottom of the damaged area. This should be a quick and inexpensive procedure. We were happy with this plan and are awaiting a quote from Maclen. We stressed it was important that this went ahead asap and a maximum time of 23/10/24 was not dismissed by the builders. We are awaiting the quote.
Thank you.  Alasdair.

Indoor Leagues – More Players Needed!

Message from David Hale re the indoor leagues …

Leagues – we need more players!

The new indoor league season starts on week commencing 21st October. We still have spaces for extra players and are keen for people who are not already in a team to sign up.

If you are interested or want to know more, there is a sign-up sheet on the noticeboard or you can email David Hale directly on

The leagues are all 2 hour games and are played:

Monday evenings @ 6.30pm – 4 player teams

Tuesday afternoons @ 2pm – 3 player teams

Tuesday evenings @ 6.30pm – 3 player teams

Wednesday evenings @ 6.30pm – 4 player teams

Thursday afternoons @ 2pm – 3 player teams

Players in a team play in a team rota and typically play every other week.