Category: News

Sunday 10th November- Top Club v Egham

We shall have our work cut out on Sunday morning when our team meet Egham in the National Top Club away at Egham at 10:00. At least four of their team have International trials coming up. Well done to Kylie, Cheryl, Yaz and Sam T!

We shall be polishing our bowls and pulling our socks up to do our best. Great to be playing against top players as it’s a chance to learn more about the game.
Supporters for the CP team will be very welcome!

Emy’s Cafe will be open from 09:00-12:00 , so a chance to get some breakfast.
Good luck team!

Tina, Peter J – Ladies & Men’s Singles

Peter T & Dawn – Pairs

Tricia, Mike C & Steve – Triples

Barry, Frances, Bob & Teresa – Fours


On Sunday afternoon the club team will be playing West Surrey at home  good luck to them too!

Unfortunately, our Men’s Over 60’s Double Rink didn’t manage to win their first round v Herga on Tuesday  it was close though  – only 5 shots in it. Well tried


Saturday 2nd November – Men’s & Ladies’ Team Comps UPDATE

It was a busy morning at Cambridge Park with the Men’s Denny Cup v Herga and the Ladies’ Yetton Trophy v Egham in full swing.

A WIN for the chaps v Herga by 20 shots  well done! They face the winner of Richmond v Century on 16th. Thanks to Dave W and Cliff who stepped in in the last couple of days due to sickness

Meanwhile, despite putting up a brave fight the ladies lost to Egham (as anticipated). Well done to Di, Carole B, Jean & Ange who had the best result for CP. Well done to Carole A who came in at the last minute for the girls. We now face Croydon on Saturday 16th

Tomorrow, it’s the Egham Mixed Trophy v Hounslow with two rinks at CP and two at Hounslow starting at 10:00. Again supporters and spectators very welcome.

Whoopee! A Win!

Well done to the Top Club team who had an extremely tight match v Century this morning.
All down to the Triples on the 18th end and a brilliant bowl by Steve dislodging the shot bowl and jack out them 2 up and offloading the pressure onto the Century skip. Fortunately, he just missed with his last bowl so we went through on shot difference after being 4-4 on disciplines.

And the Winners are ….

MacMillan Cancer Support – Whopping £750 was raised last night at the races. That is absolutely bloomin’ fantastic!

Well done to Ann Macey for all the work on the raffle, the Ploughman’s Meal and everyone else who contributed to making the evening such fun and a success including all of the punters!

First prize Hamper to Brian Curwood and second to Don Neighbour.
No doubt all the other raffle winners were delighted with their prizes.

Racing Tonight; Bowling Saturday & Sunday

The horses are slowly arriving at the race course and looking forward to a morning run, some lunch, a rub down then the adrenaline pulsing as they wait to get under starter’s orders at 7:00 pm!

The array of raffle prizes for the draw in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support is amazing. Don’t forget to buy those last minute tickets. You have to be in it to win it!

On Saturday afternoon there is a mixed friendly v Chertsey. No doubt Norman (a former Chertsey bowler) will be winding Peter T up. Maybe the Wirzles will be playing on the background. Play starts at 2:00.
On Sunday it’s the club entries in the National comps where we take on Century at CP. play starts at 10:00 and supporters are very welcome. The bar will be open at 11:30.

After a very good game last night in the National Mixed Fours, Tina, Steve G, Peter T & Dawn went out by 1 shot to James Hill’s Egham team. We were 2 down going into the final end and holding 4, when Jake C’s final bowl of the match fell down into 2nd. Really good game.

More Nationals and L&SC matches will be kicking in as the indoor season gets well under way.
Next weekend, it’s the first round of Yetton v Egham and Denny v Herga comps on Saturday and the Egham Trophy on Sunday. All those weekend matches start at 10:00 with 2 rinks at home and 2 away.