Category: uncategorized

Happy St George’s Day !

Not only is it St George’s Day, it’s also the London Marathon,

Ray Verralls ran the London Marathon FIVE times (although not recently). That is a fantastic achievement !  Happy memories, especially when that theme music The Trap by Ron Goodwin tune starts playing.  It makes me think of Chariots of Fire.

The oldest person running today is 90. Perhaps some of us should start our training soon?!

Saturday 25th March – Men’s Pairs Semi-Final – Updated with The Result!

Peter T & Peter J and Andy & Will battle it out for a place in the Middlesex Men’s Pairs final this morning starting at 10:00

When I reached the club around 11:00-ish, Andy & Will were well down.  They were still down when I left just after midday.

Report from Andy H:

Well your County finalists are the two Peters. After what looked like a run away game for them both and with WIlls and myself not on our A game with three ends to go, the score was 20-11.

However, not being one to give up and where many would have walked away, we plodded on, picking up 1 shot on the 19th making the score 20-12.  On the 20th end, WIlls placed the jack at exactly 23 meters.  Going up to bowl, we were 1 down with Peter J holding shot, so I played with a little bit of weight and pushed the jack out so we are then holding 3, Peter T bowled tight and we managed to pick up a SIX, taking us 2 behind in the final end.

Peter J bowled two perfect bowls which we just couldn’t move, so the final score 22-18.  I’m just glad we made the score look more respectable.

Thanks, Andy.


Tina won her Club Singles v Audrey to reach the Final.  Well done.


Kevin’s Fours went down by 1 shot in the final end v Century last night in the MIddlesex semi-final played at Hounslow. Sooo close.

Thursday 9th – National Area Final -Ladies Over 50’s Triples

Providing we’re not snowed in tomorrow, Teresa, Tina & Tricia are playing the Area 11 Final of the National Over 50’s Triples at King George Field at 2:00 pm. They are playing Sutton and the winners go on to represent Club and County at the National Championships in Nottingham in April.
If you can get to King George Field (Jubilee Way, Chessington, KT9 1TR) to give them some support, they would be pleased to see you

Good luck girls!

Saturday 22nd October – Denny Cup v Hounslow at 10:00 am

The Men are out in force on Saturday as they face Hounslow in the first round of the National Men’s Denny Cup competition.

At home, we have:-

Brian N, Gordon McL, Will K & skip Andy H

Scott C, Dick S, Kevin L & skip Peter T (captain)

Away, the teams are:-

Norman, Barry F, Ian D & skip Steve G

Mike C, Bob D, Gym & skip Kevin K (capt)

Reserves:  Dan C, Shaf, George.

10:00 start Home and Away.  Match fee £3.50 – home and away.

Whites with Club Shirts.

Please be at your respective venue by 09:40 latest.  Your bowls will be checked by Ron E, the umpire at CP and another umpire at Hounslow.

Supporters and spectators are welcome at both venues.

Good luck chaps!


Indoor Club Competitions 2022-2023

Many thanks to Stella Spaulding, Brian Crickmay and Dave Redington for taking on the role of running the Indoor Club Competitions.

Entry Form will be at the Club by the end of the week and will be published on here once finalised.

The form needs to be returned to the Club by Saturday 19th November latest.  The draw will be on Friday 25th at midday and everyone is welcome to join in the excitement.



A Grand Day Out!

Well done to Brian C and Ange for masterminding the 75 Shot Competition and the Hawaiian BBQ respectively yesterday.

First, the bowls. There were 40+ competitors champing at the bit to get going and four rinks were on a a time.
There were some very tight games when the final ends could have done to either opponent.

As all players were pretty cream-crackered by 4.00 pm so the semi-finals will be played on Saturday 10th September and the Final on Sunday 11th.
The line up is probably Tina Cooper v Barry Langley and Alasdair McWhinnie v Anthony Headland

Midway between all the games, Ange was head chef at BBQ with an assortment of meat, veg, gluten-free burgers , sausages and cauliflower florets with griddled bananas and peaches. Meanwhile Sheila, Karen, Jacqui, Norman and an assortment of other helpers were preparing salads and washing and clearing up.

Margaret Barnes and Shirley Oakes were doing a fine job with the raffle raising funds for next year’s hanging baskets.

Jane was doing a roaring trade behind the bar keeping us hydrated as usual.

Of course the whole day went with a bang because of the turnout of members and friends who came along to support and spectate. Thank you, thank you!

A Fantastic Result for Middlesex Ladies in the Walker Cup

Some of you came to watch our Middlesex girls last Sunday in the Walker Cup at Cambridge Park.

Well, on Sunday, for the first time in years they made it through to the Regional Final after beating Hampshire in what was (for the spectators at least) a nail biting semi!

The match was close but Middlesex stayed just in front until about the 13th end when Hampshire ramped up a gear and at one point were 2-3 points ahead.
Digging deep, Sue Butcher, Sue Apperley, Tonia Gann & Sandra Williamson-Mills gained the lead on their rink and took a brilliant 5 on the 20th end to give them a winning lead and a boost to Ann Halliday, Nadine Mullins, Terri Watkinson & Cathy Taylor who were 2 ends behind.
Spurred on, Ann’s rink won by 4.
Amazing standard of play in the Sunday morning heat.
Over on the other two rinks, Kent (whose team could have been made up with our granddaughters – they were so young!!) got off to a flying start and, although Surrey went on to win one rink, the shot difference in the end was about 13 in Kent’s favour.
We tried to avoid the post lunch snooze and geared up to support our girls again.
The two new rinks gave our girls a few problems as they tried to find the lines and get their bowls nearer the jack than Kent.
Unfortunately for Sue’s team, they were facing Sian Honnor’s rink. Sian being a commonwealth team player and the rest of her team displaying no signs of nerves of the occasion and taking it all in their stride. Sue’s girls did get to double figures but left a 12 shot deficit for Ann’s teams to collect on their final two ends. A bit of a tall order.  They ended up with an honourable 13-13  draw.  So, the fat lady sang, and it was all over.

Well done to Janine Bancroft who came in for Nadine in the final. Everyone who played contributed to the team’s morning success and certainly did their best to win in the afternoon, but the opposition were just too strong. Good luck to Kent at Leamington in the back end of September.
Thanks to Cranleigh BC for hosting the day.

Middlesex Competitions Update

Lots is competitions some National some County.

National Ladies Pairs

Tina & Cathy beat Jean & Ange and go on to play Tricia & Dawn.

National Mixed Pairs

Tina & Ashley play Lucy & Kevin and Dawn & Paul C play Vinesh & Janine from Brentham.

Middlesex Pairs

Today sees 3 of the CP Pairs in action at Ashford

Ann & Cathy play Vicki & Flo

Sarah & Lucy play Kerry & Lou

Jacquie (or maybe Janice) & Marie play Marion & Carole at CP; and

Jean & Nadine play Carole & Frances at Bishop Duppas

Mixed results in the Singles yesterday with wins for

Nadine v Tina

Cathy v Dawn

Marie v Carole from BD

Whilst Jean lost out to Anna from Ashford and Ange lost in a 20-21 nail-biter to Isobel from BD  To be fair, all the games were close, which is just what they should be!

Hopefully there will be more mixed, men’s and national results soon



Our First Finalists!

Congratulations to Tina, Nadine, Cathy & Ann on reaching the Final of the Middlesex Ladies Fours after beating Bush Hill Park in the quarter final and West Ealing in the Semis.
Sarah, Tricia, Lucy & Jean went out to North London in the quarters who then beat Ashford to reach the Final.
This will be on 24th July along with the other finals at Bush Hill Park.

Well done all of you!