100 Laps, 100 Years, £39 Million, The Chapter Closes for One Remarkable Man

I guess the news about Sir Captain Tom Moore departing this earthly world yesterday was not totally surprising.

It would have been more than remarkable to beat pneumonia and Covid at any age, but it was just one step than he didn’t make.

What he did leave was the opening for many others to follow in his footsteps – thoughtful of others, fearless in battle, fun, love of his family and ever the optimistic.  Without these characters, he wouldn’t have made 100.  The legacy he leaves behind will be great and for the majority of the population, it was purely for the last 9 months of his life which through him into the spotlight.

He inspired many.  He didn’t walk in a hurry on his frame.  He pushed himself but not to the extent that the following day the next lap wouldn’t be possible.  He was neither the hare nor the tortoise but he won the race by capturing the hearts of generations worldwide.  The tributes that poured in yesterday afternoon left us reaching for the Kleenex.  The photo of HM The Queen raising the sword that belonged to her father, King George VI, was very touching – two incredibly frail yet unbelievably strong people in admiration of each other.   It was a lovely gesture that the union flag at No.10 Downing Street was lowered at half mast in his honour.

Thousands and thousands of people have been raising funds for multiple charities as well as the NHS for many years.  Several of those would not have done so, had it not been for the inspiration of Captain Sir Tom in 2020.  Well done to everyone.  Every single penny helps those causes from finding vaccinations, treatments, cures, research, nursing and everything between until end-of-life care is needed.  The latter we will all face at some point.  What does all this fund-raising show?  Kindness.  Whatever you do with your life, be kind.

When asked about catching coronavirus, it was reported Capt Sir Tom replied “If I get it, I get it.  I’m not worried at all.  You have endless chances of dying.  In the end everyone has a turn, it has to happen some time.”  So pragmatic!

I’ll finish with his now famous quote .  “Tomorrow is going to be better than today, even if today was a good day”.

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