Christmas Dinner – A Success!

Almost 60 people sat down to Christmas Dinner on Saturday prepared in the main by Karen who has several elves helping her out from table decorating to potato mashing and clearing up and washing up. Special thanks to Marie from Karen for turning her hand to anything that was needed.

Thanks to Julian for master-brewer of the Mulled Wine and to Jane for serving behind the bar all afternoon.
our chaps certainly needed the odd beverage after their defeat in the L&SC Challenge Shield in the morning.

For those of who who have not yet purchased your Christmas veg, Karen has bagged up a selection for a donation of £2.50, so please collect  there is an assortment of other items for grabs with a donation e.g. Christmas table cloths

Thanks to Karen for coming back on Sunday morning for over 4 hours doing a final clear up returning table to original places and doing a through clean. I hope she slept well last night!

I haven’t heard the outcome of the raffle in aid of Cancer Research but all but two prize winners were at the dinner. Hopefully Peter will advise later.

Of course, these events cannot happen without the support of the club members so thanks to everyone of you.

One comment

  1. Richard Duke says:

    What a successful lunch indeed!

    Congrats especially to Karen for providing such an amazing lunch for so many people. Also to all of her little helpers who made the afternoon so enjoyable. It really helped us get over our very disappointing efforts on the green in the morning.

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