Day 13 – Tier 2

Bit late with today’s post.  Sorry if you’ve been eagerly awaiting something highly interesting!

We’re going to move to using all four rinks – hopefully from Sunday.  I’m awaiting to hear back from David H and our web host – the wonderful man who has been accommodating all our rink booking needs over the last 7 months!  John Quinn is also a master greenkeeper and for those of you who receive Bowls International, he has a regular item in there.

If you only want to bowl for an hour – that’s fine.  Can you add “1 hour” next to your name on the rink booking system.  (See Ange’s booking for 31 October at noon) .

I know some of you are put off of the thought of bowling for 2 hours on your own, so 1 hour might be preferable.  Jane will be at the Club on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and could sell you a book of one hour vouchers if you need them.

Not surprisingly, the club income has dropped dramatically this year.  Your well being (mental and physical) is of great importance to us, so if you can get out and play for just an hour it will be beneficial to you as well as the club.  I’m just sorry that we cannot open the bar yet as the social side of bowls is also important.

Roll on 2021 as it’s Cambridge Park’s Centenary Year.    Have any of you got any suggestions to put on the celebrations list?

How about a day or afternoon where we invite Key Workers to come and have a go ?


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