EIBA – Latest Guidance for Indoor Bowling

From Peter Thompson at the EIBA

I have pleasure in attaching an updated Returning to Indoor Bowls Guidance, following the Government’s announcement that Indoor sports are would be allowed to commence from Saturday 25th July 2020. As you will see in the guidance Indoor flat green bowls will be permitted to take place from this date, if this is the wish of your club.

EIBA Return to Bowls Guidance – 20 July 2020

In reviewing the specific guidance issued by the Government the EIBA have asked specific questions about the participant levels, which if allowed would be beneficial for clubs in allowing greater utilisation of their rinks. As of now we are awaiting a formal response from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, which is why the release of an update has been delayed.

It is expected that a formal response will be received shortly and once it has a further update will be issued.


If you read the document (click on the link), you will see that we can’t just open the doors and let everyone back in instantly as there are many considerations and practical things that have to be in situ first.  So, watch this space!

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