Fought the Fright – from Kevin K

It was somewhat unusual that Kevin K hadn’t responded to recent posts but he emailed earlier today and, with his permission, I am copying his email below, which makes me well up every time I read it.

Below is a quick summary of what has been occurring with our family of the past few weeks.

Maureen, Jason and I contracted Coronavirus towards the end of December. Jason, fortunately, had minor symptoms and with a few supplements was able to stave off the infection. Maureen was worse affected but she is a strong lady and after a few days she managed to overcome the infection.

Me, I was taken to hospital by ambulance on the evening of 30th December and ended up seriously ill with Covid 19. A soon as I went into hospital I set my mind to get out again and carry on with the rest of my life. I could not have done this without the support of my family,

BUT equally important I could not have done it without the dedication and determination of the Doctors, Nurses and other staff at West Mid. Hospital. They really did save my life.

With their help and support I was discharged from Hospital on the evening of Sunday 10th January and Maureen brought me back home. I am currently recuperating at home. I am not sure how long this is going to take but I know that I have the ongoing support of both my family and the NHS. (A Doctor even called me at home from the hospital yesterday lunchtime to see how I was progressing).

I was delighted to read that Cambridge Park members are already having their vaccinations. You never know, they might finally get round to my age group! I will be first in the queue when the time comes.

I was looking at the news this morning and a Minister made a comment which I believe is particularly relevant – behave as if you have the virus and could spread it to someone else.





Well done to Jason, Maureen, Kevin and the brilliant NHS.  We love all of you!


  1. Ange says:

    Great news Kevin for you, Maureen and Jason!
    Well done for being positive and yes how lucky we are to have the NHS!
    Let’s all keep going, the days are getting lighter and the vaccine closer!

  2. Tina Cooper says:

    So sorry to hear this Kevin . Glad you have all come through it.
    We wish you and your family good health.
    Take care
    Tina and Mike

  3. Peter Archer says:

    Great news to hear to hear Kevin and family have recovered and are recovering well ,look forward to seeing you in the near future Kevin stay safe.

  4. kevin keown says:


    Thank very much for your good wishes. I look forward to seeing you both either at Bishop Duppas or Cambridge Park asap this year.



  5. Bob Donohue says:

    Hi Kevin

    Sorry to hear your news but glad you and your family are on the mend. Make sure you take the advice of the medics and look forward to bowling with you in the near future.

    Best Wishes

    Frances & Bob

    • kevin keown says:

      Francis & Bob,

      Thank you. I am making slow but steady progress, looking forward to when someone of my tender age gets the vaccine and then all systems go for a season of Bowls.



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