Happy Birthday, Corale!

Wishing Corale a very happy birthday.  I hope it warms up a bit and you can enjoy some outdoor social distance socialising!

Is the sun coming back this week at all?  It is flamin’ June after all, nearly flamin’ July!


I had a lovely email from Chris C following the match on Saturday which I wanted to share with you all …

Hi Dawn,

Just wanted to say a big thank you for Saturday’s game of triples.  It certainly was a different experience for us but we thought you and the Club managed the situation very professionally and expertly.  It was very well thought out.   It was great to see many familiar faces and we enjoyed being back at Cambridge Park – even though we lost!  I think it was that Teddington were not “match fit”.
See you again sometime.
Well done and thank you to all who participated on Saturday to make the game a safety success as well as a lot of fun.  As I said, the Teddington teams didn’t play badly at all, they just couldn’t quite win enough ends.  No disgrace whatsoever!  We’re looking forward to seeing the Teddington team again later in the season.
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