Membership Forms – A Nudge!


Just a reminder that Membership Forms are available to download here

210402 – CP Membership Application 2021-2022 – Rev.1

or a paper version can be collected from the round table in the Clubhouse.  They need to be completed and given to Ange or put in the C pigeon hole.  Ange will then issue your invoice for the correct amount for you to pay – by BACs, cheque or in the Club with your Membership Card or debit/credit card and you will then be given a new car park permit!

If you are not paid up members, neither you nor your bowls etc will be covered by the Club insurance.

If you are in contact with those not on email, please could you give them a ring and let them know where to collect a form.  That would be a big help.

The membership has been done by various people over the last few years and the lists vary.  We know some of you have changed your address or car or other details, so we are starting afresh ensuring all the information we hold is up to date and secure.


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