Onwards: The club had its deep clean yesterday and today Scott and Ange have moved most of the chairs that won’t be used (or so you can’t be tempted to use them!) neatly out of the way.

Upwards: Thanks to Scott who spent a lot of time bending down from his great height to lift up the rubber mats out of the outdoor ditches! He and Ange have done a lot of physical work in the last couple of days, on top of what they were already doing.
A big thanks to both of them.
Following this afternoon’s announcement from the PM, we are awaiting a statement from the EIBA. Otherwise, we’re sticking to singles, pairs and triples per rink. 6 being the magic number. We are not anticipating hundreds of spectators flocking to Cambridge Park to watch us bowling! However, it’s not good news for organisers of indoor sports events and entertainment though.
Please be prepared to wear your mask as you enter the club premises. The lobby is the nearest we get to a bottle neck as people have to come through the outside then the inner doors and stopping to sanitise their hands en route to the green. Thanks.