Outdoor Sports and Outdoor Socialising on the Spring Skyline!

That is such brilliant news!  Outdoor socialising – hooray – we will be able to talk to our friends face-to-face not down zoom or skype or the like.

It also looks good for the outdoor green opening at the end of April – another big yippee!  Let’s hope we can get a few weeks of indoor bowling first so that our arms can get used to swinging a weight again.

For those of you keen to get the diaries updated, there’s a draft list of outdoor fixtures on the calendar page of the site.  Ray V has being going great guns under the cover of lockdown to ensure there are plenty of matches for our Centenary year.

He won’t be organising any today though as both he and Ranjani will be settling down to watch India v England on television.  Meanwhile Brenda D will be tuning in to the Australian Open – good luck to Jamie Murray.  For the night owls there’s the final of the Superbowl on Sunday.  There’s probably golf on somewhere – Kevin K would no doubt know!

A few of the under 70s have advised me they are going for their vaccinations today – good news.  Fingers crossed that Jonathan H will get his invite soon.   It looks as if a vaccine passport is being designed for travellers and it would certainly save carrying yet another bit of paper in our pockets/wallets/bags.  If you were ineligible for the vaccine because of current medications, would it stop you going out and about?  I hope not especially as the vaccine does seem to show some protection in not transmitting the virus from person to person.

The sun is also shining this morning, so Friday is looking good already.

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