Rainy Clouds with Silver Linings

Some really good news for Kevin L in that he played in three Home Counties matches in 2019 whilst based at North Greenwich BC, which means he earned his Middlesex County Badge.  However, this  brilliant news was never conveyed to Kevin.  Doh!

Thanks to Covid, the communication system also had a year long break and it only came to light last night with a very apologetic call from the County that Kevin was in fact ineligible to enter the Unbadged Singles event.  This is not only tough on Kevin but also on the chaps he had beaten to reach the semi-final as, through no fault of his own, Kevin has had to withdraw from the competition.  He obviously has very mixed feelings about the situation.

Kevin will be awarded his County Badge at the Home Counties match v Hampshire on 17th July – 10.30 am start at Bannister Park.  Since joining CP in 2020, Kevin has been a great asset to Cambridge Park, regularly joining the morning sessions and playing in as many matches as his work schedule will permit and we are very proud of him!


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