Tennis or Football for You? or Bowls?

I am sure loads of you will be supporting England tonight.  Let’s hope they win.  Predictions on the radio this morning seem to think that there will be only one goal in it with England coming out on top!  What do you think?

However, there are some great tennis matches coming up at Wimbledon too.  Difficult decisions for some of us!

Update on bowls (because my memory failed me this morning!).  Sarah & Lucy play an Middlesex Over 55s match v Staines tonight at 6.00 pm at CP.  I don’t think the men have any matches – let me know.  With a dead pan expression, Dave P said Masonians had cancelled their match tonight but he couldn’t understand why!!!

Looking like a forensic scene from a Scandi murder episode with everyone in full white waterproofs to bat off the torrential rain, the National Mixed Fours match last night between Kevin, Gym, Sarah & Dawn v Dave P, Ann H, Ange & Ron E was soooo close.  After 2 ends, the score was 3-3.  At the completion of 14 ends, Kevin’s lot were 12-10 up going into the final end.  When Kevin and Dave went down to play their bowls, Dave was 2 up.  So Dave needed another in and Kevin needed to take one of theirs out!  Dave’s first bowl landed in a good collection position a foot behind the jack to the left.   Kevin’s slightly overdrawn shot was slightly side.  No change.  Dave’s next bowl went up with no change, leaving Kevin to play a very high pressure shot to avoid an extra end.  The other 7 players held their breath as the bowl came up the green on a great line.  It nudged Dave’s 2nd bowl through and became an almost ‘tap and lay’ shot as Kevin’s bowl crept in just behind the shot wood.  12-11.  What a great game!  Ignoring the first two ends, there were only 17 scoring shots over 13 ends which just goes to show how close a match it was, which could have gone either way.

Kevin’s team now face Rob Hackwell’s four from Ashford, who had put out Steve G’s four in the previous round.  At least we’ll be at CP.  Trying to find a date when 8 people are free between now and 22nd July won’t be easy with all the other competitions working alongside.

Have a good day.  More brolly weather by the looks of it.


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