Ready on Saturday – May’s Match Sign Up Sheets!

Another couple of changes on the Fixture List with the addition of Springfield on 26th June and the removal of some of the Middlesex Ladies’ matches due to a later start and all being knock out competitions.  If we (Middlesex) win the first round of the Walker Cup v Oxfordshires (Away), the team might get to play at Cambridge Park in the second round.  That would be absolutely brilliant!

I haven’t seen Ray Verralls for over a year but I’m sure he must be going grey/white with all the work he has put in!  What an introduction to the outdoor Fixture Secretary role in our Centenary year!  A very, very big thanks to him.

You can see all the fixtures for the season on the Calendar page of the website.

Match sign up sheets for the whole of May will go up in the Club on Saturday – not sure if they’ll be in the lobby or on the ‘normal’ board at the moment.  Wherever they are, please take it in turns to sign up and don’t huddle in a less-than-acceptable-social-distance!  There are a mixture of triples and rinks throughout the month, so there maybe only 9 places or there may be 12 but there are plenty of games, so everyone should stand a good chance of playing.  All of the May games are Mixed but some of the league matches may have restrictions such as “only one lady player per rink”.

We are playing Sunbury on Thursday 6th May when the club is being used as a Polling Station for the election of the Mayoral Election.  If you are selected for this game, please come changed as the changing rooms will not be in use – so remember to take  your bowls home before the day.  It would also be good to have people playing in the morning.  It’s a great chance to introduce locals to our favourite sport and a good chance to let them have a go – after they’ve voted.  We’re not allowed to speak to them before.

The Centenary match on Friday 21st May requires 5 triples – unfortunately we’re still restricted to only 30 on the green at that stage of the roadmap.  However, by the time we play Friends of English Bowling on 1st July, we’ll be putting out 6 rinks, so 24 players per team.  That should be a great game!

Dave Nottage rang today.  He was a bit surprised I wasn’t Dennis, whom he meant to ring and is the D after me on his phone contact list!

Anyway, it was good to catch up.  He is still a full time carer for his wife with just 3 hours respite per week when he takes himself down to his allotment to tend his plants etc. as well as reconnect with nature.  He hopes he may be able to get over to play for Ember the next time we have a fixture with them, but is not sure.  In the meantime, he wished everyone who remembers him well and hopes to see you all soon.  He misses the bowls very much.

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