It was a really good idea upgrading to fibre broadband and cutting landline calls to pay-as-you-go reducing the monthly fee by about £5. I was given a £10 refund as they were a week late in installing it. On Monday 8th June, I had a text message saying my new router was on its way. On Wednesday 10th June, I had an email saying the router had been dispatched – allow 3-5 working days. On Tuesday afternoon, it still hadn’t arrived so I rang again and they said they’d order another one. Text message to advise it was on its way. Great, so have now had 7 whole days without internet access at home and there is only so much one can do on a phone! Posting on here is difficult for one so I have taken 15 mins out of my working day (early lunch?!) to post this.
Everything is set for playing Chertsey tomorrow at 3.30 pm and I understand they now have a 3-triples fixture against Bishop Duppas. It is brilliant that clubs are opening up to playing more variations on singles once they have considered it is possible to play and keep it safe. Disinfect before and after a game and keep the social distancing. Key elements.
Norman is in charge tomorrow and I think he’s looking forward to winding Peter T and Chertsey team up. (Isn’t it lucky the clubhouse is shut and we can’t put The Worzels on the outside speakers?!)
Teddington have got a team together for Saturday 27th and we’re going to Bishop Duppas on 4th and they’re coming back on 11th. I know Stella, Gordon and Richard H are keen to play in some of these triple games. Let Laurence, Norman, Ange or me know if you would like to as well. With only 9 in a team, we would like to get as many people playing as possible (as long as you feel safe and comfortable to do so) and not just the same old faces. Hopefully the outdoor committee will be able to take over the reins soon. We’re just minding it for the time being.
For a change to the Isleworth-Richmond or Isleworth-Brentford walking loop, I went over to Windsor yesterday evening. There are lots and lots and lots of swans on the Thames, all eager to see if passers by have brought any goodies to share! I walked over to the Bath Island and Pleasure Gardens. Apparently that section of water used to be the outside equivalent of a spa bath. I also found a Hurricane Hawk perched on a pole – photos on my Facebook page if you’re interested.
I parked by Windsor & Eton Bowling Club. The green looks wonderful. Steven K plays here in the summer but he wasn’t in action last night! Yesterday’s rain has done the greens a lot of good but it wouldn’t have been much fun playing through it.